We should not mix such concepts as the emission of Ether and its creation.
In the future, generally speaking about the Fields of Attraction and Fields of Repulsion, we can sometimes use the term " Force Field ". This term is quite popular in the scientific literature. Why invent something new, that perhaps will get not accustomed. Here it should be mentioned that the existing in the esoteric literature (in the same treatise on the Tao, for example) a reference of the Yin and Yang, refers specifically to the particles with different Force Fields. Yin and Yang - are portrayed as two connected "drops", black with a white circle in the center (Yin) and white - with a black circle (Yan).
Yin - is an esoteric symbol of all existing in the Universe of elementary particles (Souls) with the Fields of Attraction. Here, the black color means that the destruction of the Ether (Spirit) in the particle goes on faster its creation. Yang – it’s an image of elementary particles (Souls) with the Fields of Repulsion. The predominance of white over black, said that the creation of the Ether goes on faster destruction. In the esoteric literature, "The Light" symbolizes the Spirit (Ether), and "Darkness" - its absence. Yang, as was said in the "Tao Te Ching", is in heat - is a source of rage. Rage in our language is connected to the heating, even though our blood in anger (the words "anger" and "Fire" can be considered cognate). Heating is directly related with the process of emission of the Ether. Yin grows scanty - that is, loses something. In this case, there is the analogy with the process of disappearance of the Ether exceeding the creative process.
YIN – the particles with the Fields of Attraction – are symbolized by a black drop with a white circle. YANG – the particles with the Fields of Repulsion – are symbolized by a white drop with a black circle. Black color here – is a symbol of destruction of the Ether. White – the symbol of the Creation of the Ether. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In the books of Alice Bailey can often find the concept of "quality". We are talking about one and the same. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------