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Alice Bailey



Theosophical views on this matter are such that they in some extent can be attributed to the substantial philosophical concept.

The difference is that the Theosophists not only consider the Space secondary to the objects of the Universe, but also give it the main role, seeing it as a first principle. While for all of the objects, "and moving the existing" within the borders of this space, the Theosophists withdrawn the position of the second plan. For them, the objects are secondary and primary Space itself.

We present a series of quotations taken from the theosophical literature, particularly from books Blavatsky E. and A. Bailey.

There is one Boundless Immutable Principle; one Absolute Reality which, antecedes all manifested conditioned Being. It is beyond the range and reach of any human thought or expression.

The manifested Universe is contained within this Absolute Reality and is a conditioned symbol of it. In the totality of this manifested Universe, three aspects are to be conceived.

1. The First Cosmic Logos, impersonal and unmanifested, the precursor of the Manifested.

2. The Second Cosmic Logos, Spirit-Matter, Life, the Spirit of the Universe.

3. The Third Cosmic Logos, Cosmic Ideation, the Universal World-Soul.

From these basic creative principles, in successive gradations there issue in in ordered sequence the numberless Universes comprising countless Manifesting Stars and Solar Systems” (Alice Bailey's "A Treatise on Cosmic Fire";, pp. 32-33).

Spaceis an entity and the entire "vault of heaven" (as it has been poetically called) is the phenomenal appearance of that entity” (A. Bailey "Esoteric Astrology", page 18).

“The Ancient Wisdom teaches that “Space is an entity” (A. Bailey" Esoteric Astrology ", page 19).

“What is that which was, is, and will be, whether there is a Universe or not; whether there be gods or none?' asks the esoteric Senzar Catechism. And the answer made is —SPACE” ("The Occult Catechism", taken from the Secret Doctrine by HP Blavatsky).

Theosophists give the space a reality. In their interpretation, it is something concrete, real, and not "empty". In their understanding, the space is not "nothing", it is - "something".

Finally, we should mention one more look at the space - the religious. The uniqueness of this view lies in its imaginary abstraction from what it really dedicated.

To this point of the space view leads us the theosophical literature.
Actually, the Theosophical course just intended to unify and reconcile all the existing religions of the world.

Therefore, we can assume that the theosophical literature paves the way for the reader, on the one hand, in the world of religion, and the other - in the realm of science.

Theosophy seeks to give a scientific explanation of religious beliefs, as well as to resolve problems and dispute questions of science with the help of esoteric concepts and information.

If you start to study religious tracts, it would appear that it was of Space at all times spoke mystically minded researchers of mysteries of Being and seekers of meaning in life. And, of course, they were well aware of what they spoke, but preferred not to call right that, what to write about, by the Space, and gave for it all sorts of names. Space - this is the Matter, the first aspect of God. And we have already spent a lot of time trying to tell the tale of this Unknown Something.

However, we repeat and give the most famous of these names - Creator, God, Absolute, the Almighty, the World Mind, Allah, the One, " One of Whom About Naught May Be Said ", One Reality, Infinite Principle, the Lord of the World, the Universe, Space, Braman, Nothing, Eternity, Divine Unity, the Absolute Consciousness, the United Self-existing reality, the One Being, Alpha and Omega, Svabhâvat, Global Essence, the Divine Being, the Absolute Principle, Parabrahm, Reality not having a second, Comprehensive Space, Infinite One Being, Absolutely Everything, the Absolute Container of all things, the One Life, "In him we live and move and have our being", Rootless Root, Infinite and Eternal Cause, the Unconscious and the Unknowable, Mulaprakriti (Mula - root, Prakriti - Matter) "All in All", Pradhana, the One Eternal Element, All-ness, Causeless Cause, "Eternal Breath are unaware of itself," Apeiron, Arche.

This list could go on and on. Mindful of the need to unite the scientific outlook with the religious, also attributed to this list such scientific concept, as a vacuum.

Striving of Initiates poets and writers ahead of time not to disclose to immature mankind all Secrets of Being and Not-Being - that's the only reason for their presence in the literature the mystical cover, with which they hid from the uninitiated, the very foundation of our existence.

Let us try to combine as much as possible, the views of scientists and poets. This should benefit both, and others - bonding, thus, the foundation of the human world view.

The Space described by Euclid and Newton – it’s the Matter, the Primal Essence, the Infinite Constant Principle, the Absolute Reality.

This Unmanifested Cosmic Mind really can be approximately compared with an empty box without walls. Although in reality this "emptiness" is not empty.

This is the foundation of the universe, its origin, the matrix. This void can be seen as a fundamental principle, "fabric", on which like a pattern is applied the manifested Universe.

About this Space talk Blavatsky and Bailey, calling it the " entity ".

It really is an absolute space – i.e. constant, fixed and eternal. And "empty" it’s in the state of unmanifestation.

Is there borders of Space? Whether it comes in contact with something similar or different from it? And if applicable to it all our human notions of borders? On these questions we have no answers.

In relation to Space it’s pointlessly to use pronouns that characterize sexual identity, as the division into two sexes - a phenomenon unique to the plant, animal and human organisms.

Therefore, the space - it's not "he" or "she." The closest thing to it the pronoun "it", but this is a convention.

To the space in general should not be used concepts related to sex differences. This can be done only for the Spirit and Matter, and then symbolically.

In the state of manifestation Cosmic Substance (Matter) is filled with the Spirit flowing in the "Souls".

Modern scholars have largely rejected the idealistic approach to the questions of the structure of the Universe. They reject the Creator, God as the main leading and creative principle of the Universe. However, in science everywhere you can find the concept " Nature " Incomprehensible, inexplicable, omnipotent, semantically very reminiscent of religious terms "God" and "Creator." And when the scientist says: "Laws of Nature", it sounds like the "Word of God" in the mouth of a true believer.

Everywhere you can find manifestations of creative activity of God (Creative Space). Each chemical element, each elementary particle - is the result of his incessant "work." By observing the physical, chemical, biological and astronomical phenomena of the world, we touch the Divine.




Let us once again look at the diagram of manifestation of this Universe.
The Matter – is the First Cosmic Logos, that ball unimaginable proportions that appears inside the Space, that Cosmic Egg, symbolized in the esoteric by the circle without a point. Within this world and will happen hereinafter all cosmic processes and phenomena, will develop the Life.

The Second Cosmic Logos - this is an indication that the Spirit was born in the Matter, and now they are two.

And finally, the Third Cosmic Logos – this is the Matter, giving birth to the Souls inside itself with help of the Spirit. The Souls are Yin and Yang.

Logos - it's just a name for a particular state of Space. Let's talk about the Second and Third Space Logos.

The moment came when in the First Cosmic Logos in the "empty" space, in the Matter, the Spirit arose, rather, many Spirits.

The Spirit did not come freely, but in the Souls.

This is a shift of the First Logos in the status of the Second, and the Third, what is going on at the same time.

Every Spirit that arose in Matter, became the basis for the emergence of the Soul.

And there was an association of Spirit and Matter in the Souls. "Father" and "Mother" "born" "Children".

Matter, Spirit and Soul - Mother, Father and Baby - together constitute "the very same" Holy Trinity, the object of religious worship.



It is an esoteric view of the process of emergence of the manifested Universe. And the scientific understanding of this process is as follows.

Once unimaginably long time ago (in human notions) the Space changed.
In this simple and familiar word - "change" - hidden all secret sense of how the Matter internally transformed to become outwardly visible, manifested.

And it is this altered state of Matter in the occultism and call the Spirit.
The Matter was to give birth to the Spirit (Energy) – i.e. in it began to emerge some particular state, the essence of which are beyond of our understanding.

The Spirit formed - " Centers of Creation ", " Building Units of the Universe ", " Touch Points by the Creator himself inside ", " Power Centers ".

These are different names for one and the same.

Democritus, thinking about the world, supposed their existence and called these power centers by the Atoms - indivisible particles. And he was right about their indivisibility.

Buddha also mentioned that all things are composed of some " dharma ". Apparently, by that he meant all the same centers of power.

Thus, well known to us, " Elementary Particles ", " chakras ", " atoms " and " dharma " - are synonyms.



One could come up of and find still a lot of other symbolic expressions for these amazing formations that arose once in the space and exist since. However, any of them would be powerless to give at least some information about the deep essence of that unknown "something".

In science, by the "atoms" are called chemical elements. Recall that the "A tom " is translated as " indivisible ". When they began to open up and explore the chemical elements, they was considered those same indivisible elementary units, the existence of which spoke the ancient Greek philosophers. And because they have appropriated the name of "Atoms".

In our series of books the concept of "Atom" is equivalent to the concept of "elementary particle", and the chemical element and is called - "chemical element";, or just - "element";.

It is difficult to talk about any structure of elementary particles. We're talking about the structure of something, if it incorporates more smaller structural units.

Particle – is a holistic structure. It's not even the structure, but simply an area of the space, "the material point".

"Point of contact" of the Creator-Space itself.

The Spirit - is the foundation and filling the Souls. He - is their source.

The main synonym for esoteric concept " Spirit " should be considered another esoteric term - " ether " which, according to the ideas of philosophical and theosophical thinkers fills the entire Universe.

The notion of the "Spirit" is also consistent with such occult terms as " Father ", " Brahma " (this, along with Vishnu and Shiva, one of the hypostases of the Hindu Triune God), " Heaven ", Fohat, Purusha, Breathof Heaven, Breath of Life, Nefesh, " Light ".

The transition the Space from the state of the First Logos in the state of the Second and Third Logos - this is the moment when the particles started to create ether and destroy it.

It can be assumed that the Spirit is precisely thereby "Einstein space" (that fills the real space), which, as Einstein believed, can be bent. Space itself (Matter, the First Logos) is not bent - it still. But the Spirit emitted and absorbed by the elementary particles, is able to " flow ", which he does. The Ether emitted and absorbed by the particles - this is the Spirit flowing in the Space.

A hint of what in the Space “something” (the Spirit) is flowing we can find in the esoteric literature in the form of references to the " Prana " - some kind of very thin, ultra-light, radiant substance that is able to pass from body to body, filling the entire Universe. Another name for the Spirit – “ Qi ”, anyway - " Chi ".

Let's talk a little bit more about what the Spirit - is Light. From a scientific point of view, "the Light" - is visible photons that are moving from having emitted or reflected their body and getting into our visual analyzers, cause a visual sensation that we call the light. However, the real cause of visual perception is the ether emitted by particles that get into the visual analyzer.

Thus, Ether (Spirit) - this is the "light" in the broad sense of the word.

Exactly about this "light" (i.e. the Ether, Spirit) is said in the First Book of Moses (Genesis 1:3): "And God said, Let there be light. And there was light";.

Elementary particles can be viewed symbolically as the "building blocks" of that are building " the Temple of the Manifested Universe ".

Hence, it becomes clear why to describe the stages of human knowledge and the development the Masonic symbolism has been used. " Mason " is translated from French as " bricklayer ".

Elementary particles - these are the same "stones" from which Freemasons strive to build the "Temple" - the body of the manifested Universe.

In a narrow sense, the Masons – are people embarked on the path of initiation, i.e. on the path of Christ, Buddha and other great Teachers.

In a wider sense, Freemasonry can be regarded as a symbol of the totality of existing in the Universe the living organized systems.

Each one of us – is a builder and stonemason. Any representative of any Kingdom of Nature - is a Mason. Minerals, plants, animals – all are Masons, as strange as it may sound.

Scientists and still are busy looking for candidates for the role of "basic elements" which make up all that is in the universe. There is no doubt that the only suitable candidates for this role are elementary particles - the Souls.

The totality of Souls, existing in the Universe, along with Ether (Spirit), created and destroyed in them, forms the Soul of the World - Anima Mundi.

At the end of every Christian prayer we use the following expression: "In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

This can be attributed to a number of inaccurate phrases. And all because, the concept of "Father" in this case symbolizes the Mother, the Matter, the Original Substance, the First Aspect of God. The concept of the "Son" is a Soul. But the "Holy Spirit" - it is precisely the "Spirit", the Second Aspect, the Light.

The Matter in this prayer afterword is not mentioned. This is not surprising, given for what period of human history had the formation of Christianity. The concept of "matter" is synonymous with the concept of "Mother" - that is, feminine. In the harsh patriarchy the feminine principle entirely subordinate and enslave, hence the neglect of him by the fathers of the Christian church.

Therefore more accurate to say: "In the Name of the Mother, the Son, and the Holy Spirit," where the Holy Spirit - the Father. Or you can like this: "In the Name of the Mother, the Father and the Son." But why is in the name of the Son, and not of the Daughter? Even better: "In the name of the Mother, the Father, and of their Child."

What are the Spirit and Soul? With what can they be compared?
First, in no case can’t give them the features of something eternal, permanent. The only eternal substance that exists in the Universe - it is the very Space, the Matter. While the Spirit (Ether) and Souls (elementary particles), as already mentioned, are the altered state of Space, disturbance in it.



The Spirit can remotely compare with ripples on the surface of the pond. Although, of course, the Spirit does not a ripple. It is ephemeral, immaterial and illusory. A Ripple distorts the shape of the water surface, but the water of a run down the waves, still remains the water. The same applies to the Spirit. It distorts the state of the Space, but the Space does not cease to be itself. The particles - is also a "ripple", but of a different kind than the ether.

And yet, in spite of the illusory nature of Spirit and Soul, for us, creatures built from them, they are more than real.

We call the elementary particles and chemical elements of science "stuff." However, the real materiality has only the Space itself. Particles are as ephemeral as the ether. That is why the world of what we call "substance" and “matter” - the world of Spirit and formed by it Souls – is considered in esoteric literature as the world of maya, illusion.

Spare a thought:

We and the whole world around us like the whole Universe - it's just a disturbance in the space. And the Space itself - this is the only thing that creates us, by what (or whom) "we live and move and have our being". And the true and profound nature of this Space is yet closed to the human understanding.



You can’t assume that the particle and the Ether were once created by God (the Mmother), after which "he" (“she”) left them "at rest" and they are in themselves, and the Creator itself.

No. These centers have emerged and continue to exist, thanks to unceasing "creativity" of the First Logos. Will stop this creative act – will stop their existence.

Every millimeter of the space, regardless of created by it in itself elementary particles and ether, has a mind, consciousness. The whole universe is reasonable, and not just us humans.

But let us return once more to the "dispute of the models of space" – Euclidean-Newton space and Einstein space.

In something relatively the basic structure of the Universe, Einstein was right. The "something" that exists in Space (the Spirit) is in a mobile state, and can be bent.

But as the Space itself is not bent, the shortest distance in it between the two points - a segment on the line. Therefore, should not be questioning the Euclidean geometry – the science is engaged the studying of methods and patterns of measurements of space and matter. But the measurement of the segments with curves should be regarded as erroneous.

Science through any technical means, in the laboratory, will never be able to directly understand the nature of the Ether and elementary particles. Only indirectly, by studying the interaction of the particles with each other.

But the very human mind, the human "I" can come close to solving this greatest of mysteries - to the knowledge of the essence of the Creator, creating us in itself and of itself.

When you look at the surrounding bodies, constantly keep in mind that there is nothing but elementary particles (Souls) of varying quality and the Ether (the Spirit), penetrating particles, created by them and disappearing into them.

“There is no spoon…”.




Finally it's time to talk about the third aspect of the Creator (Thinking Substance) – the Soul.

In our view, this hypostasis of God is given the most attention and is devoted to the most information in the occult and religious texts and scriptures.

Of the second aspect of the Spirit also is said a lot, but still a bit more about the Soul.

Scientists also say a lot about it, though, and do not realize that they are talking exactly about that.

So what is a Soul?

As many times has been repeated this is the special formation in the body of Space, the perturbation in it.

This is a sphere in the center of which is the emergence of the Spirit, and in the periphery – its destruction.

That's such amazing "Something" this Soul, or rather, the Souls, which in the vast, incredibly huge number the Nature creates in itself and of itself.

But what is the kind of perturbation, what is the true essence of what we call the Soul, we don’t know.

When occult books are talking about the Third Aspect, first, to call the Center of Force itself that has the ability to create and destroy the Spirit.

And secondly, give the different names for the Spirit itself, appearing and disappearing in each particle.

So when talk about the Third Hypostasis – the Soul, at the same time mention and the Second – the Spirit. And this is quite true, as the Second Person of God – is the cause of the Third.

The main component of the Soul – is the Spirit that it saturates and hardens (adds hardness). Therefore, we first make a list of synonyms for the Soul as a whole. And then again repeat those concepts that characterize the Spirit in the Soul.

As the Souls of the Universe make Seven basic types at each level of each of the Seven Plans, very often they are given a particular name or definition, combined with the number Seven.

Soul, Third Hypostasis (Third Aspect), the Son of the Light (used for the naming of the Spirit and Soul), Jiva, Dhyan Chohan, Sephiroth, Lipika, Pitris (Lunar and Solar,) Brothers (Seven Brothers), Rishi (Seven Rishis of the Great Bear), Sisters (The Seven Sisters of the Pleiades), Principles (Seven Principles), Kumara, Deva, Sura, Asura, Dayitas, Aditya, Danava, Gandharva, Angels of the Throne, Supremacies, Hierarchies, Beginnings, Cherubims, Seraphims, Demons, Army of the Voice, Legion, Rupa, Arupa, Oeaohoo Junior, Not-Eternal Germ, Fire (Light) of Brahma, the Sons of the Sun, the Seven Creative Armies, Seven Builders, Seven Supreme Lords, Seven Truths, The Seven Great Causes of Misery, Seven Days of Creation (Seven Periods or Cycles), Seven Breaths of Dragon of Wisdom, Seven Seeds, Seven Worlds of Maya, the Seven Hierarchies, Shimmering Seven, Mind-born Sons, The Seven Lives, Beaming Sons of Dawn of Manvantara, Messenger of Gods, sparks, flames, Ah-hi, Force Centers, force, Energy, elementary particles, Elements, Elements, Atoms, Monads, Chakras, Bindu, Firing Vortices, Dharma, Laya Centers, Wheels, Serpents, Dragons, Shadow of God, Reflection of God, Mirror of God, Wicks, Clots in the Ocean of Milk, Caviar, which is spawned by the Fire Fish of Life (Fish Grains of Life), Numbers, Sons of the Earth and the Sons of Fire (Yin and Yang, Matter and Spirit, Cain and Abel, Shiva and Brahma, Creators and Destroyers).

The composition of this list, we included also the names for the Spirit in the Soul. But let them even separately.

Seven Spirits before the Throne of God, a whirlwind of fire, Snake, biting its own tail, the Dragons of Wisdom, Lucifer, Kundalini (Fire Serpent) Fohat, Antahkarana, Bridge connecting the Spirit with the Soul, Ray of Light, Seven Ways to Bliss, Wheel, Circle, Breath of Dragon of Wisdom, Sutrama, Thread of Life, The Thread between the Silent Witness and his Shadow, Flame, The Stream of Consciousness.

The Fabric, which is spun by the Mother and Father, the World Egg, Gold Egg, Hiranyagarbha, Sien-Tchan, Maya, Illusion, Space of Light, Svabhâvat, Hierarchies of Forms, the Universe – the Son of Necessity – these are concepts and definitions that describe the Universe as a whole. This is not all, there is only a small part of all the titles that can be found in the esoteric and the scientific literature. You can train yourself to find these synonyms.

The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things so ever [the Father] doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. ” (The New Testament, the Gospel of John, Ch. 5:19).



1) " Universal Mind was not, for there were no Ah-hi to contain it. " (Stanza 1.3).

Universal Mind – is the Cosmic Consciousness, the Second Aspect of God, Ah-hi (senzar.) – these are the Souls, Serpents, Dragons of Wisdom, the elementary particles that contain Mind, filled with them.


2)The Seven Ways to Bliss were not The Great Causes of Misery were not, for there was no one to produce and get ensnared by them..” (Stanza 1.4).

The ultimate goal of the existence of our world is the union of information and identification of all with all.

All six Plans and all six main types of Souls should be merged together.
Thus are born the Mahatma – The Great Soul.

And the more of these creatures will be eventually in the Universe, the closer the world would be to the ultimate goal of existence.

Bliss, Nirvana – this is the final outcome of this world.

And each type of Soul is conventionally referred as the Way to Bliss.

The Spirit flowing through the Soul, it is the Way.

On the other hand, all the time, that the universe is moving towards the ultimate goal, accompanied by the inevitable Suffering of imperfect beings born in it and dying quickly because of their imperfections. That is why these same Seven basic types of Souls have another name – " The great causes of Misery ". Experiencing pain, everything in this world is moving towards perfection.


3) “... for Father, Mother, and Son were once more one, and the Son had not yet awakened for the new Wheel and his Pilgrimage thereon ” (Stanza 1.5).

During Mahapralaya there is still no the Father (Spirit of Ether) and Son (Soul). All of this is potentially hidden in the depths of Matter (the Original Substance).

Wheel – this is another name for the Soul, Wheel – it’s the Ether rotating in a circle.

New Wheel – it’s a symbol of the new Mahamanvantara, manifested through the totality of the produced Souls.

Pilgrimage ” of the Son on the Wheel – this is an indication on the period of the next manvantaric existence of our Universe.


4)The Seven Sublime Lords and the Seven Truths had ceased to be, and the Universe, the Son of Necessity, was immersed in Paranishpanna, to be outbreathed by that which is, and yet is not. ” (Stanza 1.6).

The Seven Sublime Lords as well as the Seven Truths – it's the same thing as the Seven Spirits before the Throne of God, or the Seven Sons – seven basic types of elementary particles (Souls). During Mahapralaya they are not – that is, there is no Universe in the form in which we are accustomed to contemplate it now.


5) “...Where were the Builders, the Luminous Sons of Manvantaric Dawn?... In the Unknown Darkness in their Ah-hi Paranishpanna. The Producers of Form from No-Form – the Root of the World – the Devamâtri and Svabhâvat, rested in the Bliss of Non-Being. ” (Stanza 2.1).

You probably already guessed that the Builders and the Luminous Sons of Manvantaric Dawn – are the Souls, Building Elements of the Universe.


6) " 3. The Hour had not yet struck; the Ray had not yet flashed into the Germ; the Mâtripadma had not yet swollen.

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