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The quality of elementary particle – it’s the ratio of created and destroyed in it the Ether per unit of time.

It can be said in another way: the ratio of the speed of creation and the speed of disappearance (destruction).



There is a huge range of values ​​for the quantity characterizing the speed of destruction in the various particles.


But the magnitude of the speed of creation of Ether can take only three possible values​​.
They correspond to the blue, yellow and red "colors".



We used to treat the "color" as a characteristic pertaining only to photons of the visible range of the frequency scale.

However, in fact, the visible photons - it is only one type of elementary particles. And our visual analyzers are configured for processing of information received in the form of visible photons. And particles of different quality they are not used.

But, nevertheless, absolutely every existing elementary particle has red, yellow or blue color, no matter how much it disappears into the ether.

Red "color"; corresponds to the highest speed of creation of the Ether from the possible, blue - the smallest from the possible, and yellow - the speed intermediate between these two.





These are the three basic colors. There are yet three additional, but more about color theory will be discussed in the future.

Say only that our visual analyzers detect not only how much is created by the coming to them visible photons, but also how much they absorb.

Thus, the quality of elementary particle - is the ratio in the particle two units, one of which characterizes the speed of creation of the Ether in it, and the other - the speed of destruction.

The outward manifestation of the quality of the particle is the presence either Field of Attraction or Field of Repulsion, and the value of existing field due to the ratio in the particle the speed of creation the Ether and the speed of destruction.

In what follows we often will meet the concept of "quality" and to operate with it.

However, as you can see, in addition to the quality of the particle, there is just the outward manifestation of their quality. And then, and both are very important for the understanding of natural processes and phenomena.

Perhaps in the future the quality of the particles often will be called an " internal quality " of the particle, and the outward manifestation - an " external quality ". Although, this will be done only for convenience and brevity of statement, not more. And whenever possible, the concepts will be left of their true names.

Fields of Attraction characterize the particles in which the amount of destroyed Ether is more than created.

The surrounding Ether, in which the particle with the Field of Attraction is immersed, comes into it in the area of contact the ether field with the "wall" of the particle.

And the Ether surrounding the particle fills arising void and moving in the direction of the particle.

Ether stream moving toward the particle, this is a Field of Attraction.





In each point of the surface of particle per unit time fed the same amount of Ether.

Fields of Repulsion present in particles whose number of created Ether is greater than the number of absorbed.

The particle primarily destroys the own Ether, that it "produces" by itself.

Staying in the particle after destruction an excess of created Ether is emitted by particle surface without. This flow of energy emitted by the particle pushes the ether surrounding the "walls" of the particle.

Ether stream moving away from the particle surface, this is a Field of Repulsion.





Each point of the surface of the particles emitted per unit of time the same amount of ether.

The value of the Field of attraction is greater, the more Ether in a unit of time absorbing the particle from the surrounding area – i.e. the higher the speed of absorption.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 550. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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