Using, by usingGenerally substitute by use of(for using) or with(for by using).
utilize Use is preferable. via Means by way of in a geographical sense, not by means of. where, which Where refers to physical location; which (generally preceded by a preposition ) refers to other circumstances, such as condition. Depending on the sentence, the preposition may be different: at which, by which, in which, with which, etc. Always separate a “which” phrase with a comma. Incorrect: Correct: whose, of which Whose refers to something owned or possessed by a person or a country; of which refers to something owned by or pertaining to a thing, such as a physical property of it. Incorrect: Correct:
Appendix 2. Spelling Dictionary (A Selection of Oilpatch and Other Terms)
A aboveground (adj.) acknowledgment adviser afterflow afterproduction (adj.) analog anti- (joined prefix) B backflow backflush backpressure (noun, adj.) backup (noun, adj.) backwash ballout (noun) bandwidth -based (hyphenated suffix) baseline bicenter bleedoff (noun) blowdown blowout (noun, adj.) borehole bottomhole (adj.) bottomwater (noun, adj.) breakdown (noun, adj.) breakthrough bubblepoint (noun, adj.) build up (verb) buildup (noun, adj.) buoyant bypass byproduct C caprock Cartesian casinghead (adj.) catalog centerline changeover (noun, adj.) channeling chokeline (noun) Christmas tree clean out (verb) cleanout (noun, adj.) clean up (verb) cleanup (noun, adj.) co- (joined prefix) coalbed coastline coauthor (noun only) coiled tubing (noun) coiled-tubing (adj.) cokriging coreflood (noun, adj.) counter- (joined prefix, except counter-ion) crossbed crossfault crossflow crosslink (noun, verb) crossplot cross section (noun) cross-sectional (adj.) crosswell (adj.) cutoff (noun, adj.) D database de-aeration deep water (noun) deepwater (adj.) dewpoint (noun, adj.) disk (disc in zoology and botany) dogleg dot-com down (joined prefix) drainhole drawdown drawworks drill bit (noun) drill-bit (adj.) drill collar drill-in fluid drillout (noun, adj.) drillpipe drillship drillsite drillstem drillstring -drive (joined suffix) E e-business e-commerce edge water (noun) edgewater (adj.) electric line electro- (joined prefix) endpoint engine room extranet F fallback (noun) falloff farm out (verb phrase) farmout (adj.) feedwater (noun) Fiberglas (trade name) fiberglass (generic term) fieldwide (adj.) fill up (verb) fill-up (noun, adj.) filter cake (noun) filter-cake (adj.) fireflood five-spot (noun, adj.) floodwater flowback (noun, adj.) flow chart flowline (noun, adj.) flow loop flowmeter flow rate follow-up (adj.) frac pack (noun) frac-pack (adj.) -free (hyphenated suffix) freestanding fresh water (noun) freshwater (adj., adv.) G gamma ray log (no hyphen) gas field (noun) gasfield (adj.) gasflood gas lift (noun, adj.) gauge gray (not grey) gridblock gridpoint groundwater (noun, adj.) guar guidepile H half-life (noun, adj.) half-length half-width heavyweight hindcast hold down (verb) holddown (noun) hold up (verb) holdup (noun, adj.) hook load (noun) hookup (noun, adj.) hot-water (adj.) huff ‘n’ puff I in situ (adv.) in-situ (adj.) infill inter- (joined prefix_ Internet intranet J jack up (verb) jackup (adj.) judgment K kerosene keypunch keyseat kick off (verb phrase) kickoff (noun) knowledge base L leakoff life cycle lightweight line pipe lock up (verb phrase) lockup (noun) log-normal long-reach long-standing M make up (verb) makeup (noun, adj.) man-hour man-year meter (not metre) micro- joined prefix mid- (joined prefix) milled-tooth bit mineback (noun) modeled modeling moonpool mudcake mudline mud motor mud-weight (adj.) multi- (joined prefix) multiphase flow N naphtha net pay (noun) net-pay (adj.) non- (joined prefix) O off-bottom offline (adj.) offset offshore off-take (noun) oil field (noun) oilfield (adj.) oilflood oil well (noun) oilwell (adj.) oil-wet online (adj.) on site (adv.) on-site (adj.) on-stream (adj.) open flow openhole (adj.) outcrop over- (joined prefix) P pack off (verb phrase) packoff (noun) padeye particle-size distribution pay out (verb) payout (noun) phaseout (noun) phase out (verb phrase) pick up (verb phrase) pickup (noun) pinchout (noun) pinch out (verb phrase) pipeline plaster of Paris plexiglass plugback Poisson’s ratio pore-water fluid Portland cement post- (hyphenated prefix) pre- (joined prefix) printout (noun) preventative pro- (joined prefix) pseudo- (joined prefix) pseudosteady state (noun) pseudosteady-state (adj.) pulse-loading pumpdown pumphead pumpoff (adj.) Q quasi- (hyphenated prefix, except quasiparticle, quasicrystalline) R rathole re- (joined prefix) read out (verb phrase) readout (noun) real time (noun) real-time (adj.) S salt water (noun) saltwater (adj., adv.) sandface sandout sandpack scale up (verb) scaleup (noun, adj.) screenout (noun, adj.) seabed, seafloor sealbore seastate (noun, adj.) seawater self- (hyphenated prefix) semi- (joined prefix) setup (noun) shaly shoreline short-term shut down (verb phrase) shutdown (noun) shut in (verb) shut-in (noun, adj.) shut off (verb) shutoff (noun, adj.) sidetrack sidewall slackoff slickline slimhole slimtube slug catcher space out splash plate standby (adj.) stand off (verb) standoff (noun, adj.) start up (verb) startup (noun, adj.) steady state (noun) steady-state (adj.) steamdrive (noun, adj.) steamflood stick/slip stock tank (noun) stock-tank (adj.) straightedge streamtube sub- (joined prefix) sulfate sulfide sulfur super- (joined prefix) sweepout (noun, adj.) T thin-section (noun in laboratory tests) throughput through-tubing (adj.) tieback (noun, adj.) tie line (noun) tie-line (in mathematics) timestep (noun) tool face tool joint tophole (adj.) towout (noun, adj.) trunkline tubinghead (adj.) twistoff type curve (noun) type-curve (adj.) U ultra- (joined prefix) un- (joined prefix) under- (joined prefix) under way up- (joined prefix) V V-door vendor viscoelastic W wash out (verb phrase) washout (noun) waste water (noun) wastewater (adj.) water cut (noun) water-cut (adj.) waterdrive waterflood water-wet web site well-being wellbore wellblock wellhead wellsite wellpoint -wide (joined suffix) wind field (noun) windfield (adj.) wind speed (noun) wireline -wise (joined suffix) work group work over (verb) workover (noun, adj.) worldwide World Wide Web X X-ray