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The automobile is a self-propelled (motor) vehicle intended for transporting goods and/or people and carrying out special tasks. Motor vehicles can be classified as to:

ü their purpose (transport, special purpose, competition)

ü the type of chassis (framed, frameless). Framed vehicles have a support structure called the frame to which all their component parts are attached. Frameless vehicles have no frame, and all their component parts are attached directly to the vehicle body.

ü the prime mover (gasoline-powered or carburetor engines that operate mainly on gasoline (petrol), diesel-powered that run on diesel fuel (oil), and battery-powered (electric motors)).

The automobile consists of separate interacting mechanisms and units that can be combined into certain groups. The principal component parts of the automobile are the engine, the chassis and the body.

The engine (power plant) is the source of power that converts thermal energy into mechanical energy. It makes the car wheels rotate and the car move.

The drive line, running gear, steering mechanism, and braking system are referred to collectively as the chassis.

The drive line comprises a set of mechanisms which transmit the torque developed by the engine to the driving wheels and change the driving torque both in magnitude and in direction. It includes the clutch, the transmission (gearbox), the drive shaft and the rear axle.

The clutch serves to disconnect the engine shaft from the transmission (gearbox) for a short period of time while the driver is shifting gears and also to connect smoothly the flow of power from the engine to the driving wheels when starting from rest. It is controlled by the clutch pedal.

The transmission makes it possible to change the driving torque and the running speed of the automobile by engaging different pairs of gears as well as enables the automobile to be put in reverse.

The rear-axle mechanisms increase the driving torque and transmit it to the driving wheels at right angles to the drive (propeller, cardan) shaft through the differential and the final drive.

The brakes serve to slow down the running speed of the car or to stop it. Most braking systems in use today are hydraulic. They are operated by the brake pedal.

The running gear is needed for the automobile to move. It includes a frame with axles, wheels and springs. The rotation of the driving wheels in contact with the ground is converted into the translatory motion of the car.

The steering mechanism serves to change the direction of travel.

The auxiliaries of the automobile include a winch, cab heating and ventilation equipment, a hitch bar etc.


1. Запишите транскрипцию встречающихся в тексте интернациональных слов:

Automobile, chassis, transmission, system, cylinder, cardan, control, hydraulic, pedal, auxiliaries, differential, torque, component, thermal, smoothly.


2. Составьте терминологический англо-русский словарь выделенных в тексте профессиональных слов и выражений в соответствии с алфавитом и специальными требованиями.


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