ДЗ «Луганський національний університет
імені Тараса Шевченка»
Інститут економіки та бізнесу
(для усіх спеціальностей II курсу)
Потижневе планування
Завдання, що потрібно виконати
| Термін для виконання завдання
Unit 1
| 1.10. 14 – 13.10. 14
Unit 2
| 14.10. 14 – 27.10. 14
Unit 3
| 28. 10.14 – 10. 11. 14
Unit 4
| 11.11.14 – 24.11.14
Unit 5
| 25.11.14 – 08.12.14
Unit 6
| 09.12.14 – 15.12.14
Individual reading
| 15.12.14 – 28.12. 14
Теми та зміст практичних занять
| Назва теми
| Кількість
| Зміст роботи, який потрібно виконати студентам
| Financial management (Unit 2)
| 1) to do pre-reading activities
2) to read the text "Asset management" and translate it into Ukrainian.
| Financial Planning. Financial Control. Expressions ‘unless’, ‘as long as’, ‘ provided (that) (Unit 2)
| 1) to do ex. 6-15 (pp.152-157)
Osadcha T. Yu. Sergeeva V. E. “Finance and Business across cultures”: Manual for Studying the Course “English for Specific Purposes” for Students of the Speciality “Finance” / T. Yu. Оsadcha, V. E. Sergeeva; State Institution “Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University”.— Luhansk: Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University Press, 2012. – 238 p.
Проектне завдання: Corporate finance.Management of working capital (Зробити завдання у вигляді презентації у PowerPoint).
Термін виконання – до 29 жовтня 2014 року
Unit 2: Financial management
Pre-reading activities
Asset management
Task 1. Match the words with the definitions.
What? Asset management is managing financial assets for institutions or individuals.
Who? Pension funds and insurance companies manage huge amounts ill money. Private banks specialize in managing portfolios of wealthy individuals. Unit trusts invest money for small investors in a range of securities.
How? Asset managers have to decide how to allocate funds they’re responsible for: how much to invest in shares, mutual funds, bonds, rush, foreign currencies, precious metals, or other types of investments.
Why? Asset allocation decisions depend on objectives and size of the portfolio. The portfolio’s objectives determine the returns expected or needed, and the acceptable level of risk. The best way to reduce exposure to risk is to diversify the portfolio – easier and cheaper for a large portfolio than a small one.
1. portfolio
| a. to distribute according to a plan
2. securities
| b. all the investments held by an individual investor or organization
3. allocate
| c. a general name for shares, bonds and other tradable financial assets
4. diversify
| d. to buy a wide variety of different securities
Remember! BrE: unit trusts; AmE: mutual funds