Ex. 6b) Discussion.
Questions for discussion: 1. How long should a couple date before they move in together? 2. Why is the divorce rate so high in many countries? 3. Generally speaking, how do you think the men and women of you country are viewed by foreigners? 4. What is chivalry? Is it dead? 5. Do opposites attract? Or do similar people tend to fall in love? –How has the idea of marriage changed throughout history? 6. What do people commonly do on dates in your country? 7. Do fairy tales create unrealistic expectations for people? 8. What do you think about meeting someone through a dating agency or dating website? 9. Do you think it is okay to date a co-worker? 10. Jealousy: is it possible to control this emotion? 11. Do you believe in "the one" (does everyone have a 'perfect match')? 12. What are the pros and cons of going out with an older woman (or man)? 13. Are you for or against trial marriages i.e. living together outside marriage to test your compatibility? 14. Do you think that marriage should be for life? Should divorce be made easier or more difficult?