B. Graphs, charts and diagrams give a clear picture of trading performance and other statistical information. Study the statistics vocabulary.
to stand at
Sales stand at 5 units.
to remain constant
Sales remained constant.
to reach a peak of
Sales reached a pick of 5 units.
to increase an increase of
to rise by/to a rise of
to go up
to grow
Chocolate price increased by £3.
Chocolate price increased to £5.
There was a price rise of £2.
to decrease a decrease of
to fall a fall of
to drop by/to a drop of
to decline a decline of
to go down
Sales decreased to2 units last year.
to level off at
Sales levelled off at 3 units.
to fluctuate
Sales fluctuated for one year.
You may use the following adverbs and adjectives with the above verbs and nouns
sharply/dramatically – резко
rapidly – быстро
slightly – слегка, немного
gradually – постепенно
steadily – стабильно
Prices increased sharply last year.
Sales declined rapidly during May.
There was a sharp increase in sales.
There was a rapid decline in May.
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