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Industrial regions

The main industries of the Republic are oil production, petrochemistry, aircraft industry, mechanical engineering and instrument-making. The territory of the Republic is divided into several economic regions.

Old industrial Northwest region with Kazan and Zelenodolsk as its centre. Major industries of the region are machine-building, instrument-making, chemical and light industries. OAO Kazanorgsintez is one of the giants of petrochemical center of Tatarstan. It produces more than a half of the whole polyethylene production of the country. Produce quality meets the European standards and is exported to many countries. Kazan Automotive Industrial Enterprise (KMPO) has more than 60 years experience in aircraft engine production. It has been producing 65% of all engines for civil planes, as well as the engines for bombers and helicopters.

New industrial Northeast region with Naberezhniye Chelny and Nizhnekamsk as its centre. Major industries of the region are power engineering, automobile and chemical industries. OAO Kama Automobile Works (KamAZ), situated in the city of Naberezhniye Chelny, is considered to be the best Russian exporter of heavy-duty trucks. These large capacity lorries work under any road and climatic conditions. KamAZ has 6 enterprises located in Russia, the Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The products of KamAZ are used in over 83 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. As for Nizhnekamsk, it is the main chemical center of Tatarstan. OAO Nizhnekamskneftekhim is the largest producer and exporter of petrochemical products in Eastern Europe and one of the largest budget-forming enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan. OAO Nizhnekamskshina is one of the leading tyre manufacturers in the CIS.

The Southeast oil-extracting region. It is oil that made our republic well-known all over the world. The main oil-producing towns are Almetyevsk, Leninogorsk and Bugulma. Tatneft, located in Almetyevsk (a city of about 151,000 people) is the main oil-producing company of the Republic. Since 1994, it exists as a joint-stock company.

The North, Central, South and Southwest parts of the Republic are rural agricultural regions. Agricultural sector employs more than 16% of economically active population. Agriculture of the Republic covers the local needs in the basic food stuffs. 4.5 mln hectares of land are cultivated which is equal to 67% of the Republic’s territory. Main grain crops are wheat, rye, barley, oats and buckwheat. Fodder crops cover 36% of the sowing area. The Republic is also well-known for its cattle-breeding. Production of such staples as meat, potatoes, milk, eggs per capita in Tatarstan is 15-60% higher than in Russia.

The Republic of Tatarstan ranks number one among the Volga regions in terms of foreign trade turnover and foreign economic activity. The foreign relations of Tatarstan have expanded especially over the past decade. It has signed agreements with Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Germany, Australia, etc. The main export products are crude oil, petrochemical items, compressors, optical devices, trucks, automobile tyres and spare parts.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 478. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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