Assignments for Friday, September 1
We have added lots of new links to places you can go to get games to help with Math, English, Geography, Science etc. Check them out!
Haphazard, "let's try this" approaches to discipline are often doomed to failure. Rather than flailing about in the heat of the moment, parents should actually plan what they'll do when their kids are less than angelic. When It Works: House rules are an effective, proactive strategy when children know what the rules are, and what will happen if they are broken. Example: It's a house rule that homework has to be done before the TV goes on. If the homework's not done, you lose TV privileges for a set amount of time. Why It Works: It eliminates the need for parents to think on their feet. It also gives kids a chance to voice their opinions about what the rules should be and how they should be applied. Many families post house rules in a prominent place in the household. When It Doesn't Work: House rules fail to improve behaviour when adults make them up arbitrarily, with little or no input from children, or when they fail to follow through. If parents ignore a broken curfew, for instance, house rules will cease to have any meaning and kids will ignore them.
Chestnut Academy's new dress code for four-year olds through 4th grade will go into effect with the opening of the school year. The uniforms were displayed at the Wednesday, May 3rd Parents' Association meeting. Beginning Monday, May 8, between the hours of 9:00am & 2:00pm, uniforms may be viewed in the lower school hall. Uniforms may be purchased from two vendors: …