Reading. 6 Below is some information that a class of fourth-graders from Arkansas, USA, have placed on their Internet page
6 Below is some information that a class of fourth-graders from Arkansas, USA, have placed on their Internet page. Read the materials and compare them to your ex-primary school's circumstances and outline what could be picked up in our context. About Our School - Chestnut Academy, Fourth Grade Chestnut Academy is an independent, co-educational, college preparatory school committed to educational excellence for students from pre-school through the twelfth grade. The school seeks to develop the total child, with an emphasis on high character standards and moral values, which enable its students to become mature and responsible young adults who are equipped to shape the future. "Honour Above All" Our Core Values are Responsibility, Integrity, Respect, Excellence
When you first come into our fourth grade building, you are entering our "Cozy Corner!" We have soft music playing, lamps, rugs, pillows, books, flowers, waterfall, sweet smelling things - all to make a calm and inviting atmosphere! We love to sit out there in read! It can really get you in the mood! And you should see our classrooms during reading time! We have Christmas lights hanging from the ceiling and lamps around the room, soft music playing, and we get to lie on the floor or wherever we are the most comfortable to read! I know it sounds like it is always really calm and relaxing in fourth grade, but it's not!!! Our teachers are really crazy! They put red bows in their hair and danced on the stage because we all made our Accelerated Reader goals the second nine-weeks!!! We have lots of parties and have lots of fun! Sometimes, our teachers put on the Temptations or Aretha Franklin and we dance around the room to "My Girl" or "Respect." Our teachers really love us a lot, and we love fourth grade! Everyone in fourth grade has a job with our Website and we are adding stories every day! Be sure and check around to find them!,1873,9034-119551-8-1699,00.html The fourth grade year is the bridge connecting the lower school to the middle school. Students enjoy a rigorous and demanding curriculum with an emphasis on organisational and study skills. Teachers are departmentalised with the children experiencing the excitement of "changing" classes and teachers for the first time for core subjects. There is a strong commitment to character and moral development with an emphasis on our core values of respect, responsibility, integrity, and excellence. Reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Indian in the Cupboard, The Night of the Twisters, The Wizard of Oz. English Mathematics