The fourth grade curriculum correlates our units of Science and Social Studies. We study our earth and its features while relating this information to the United States. Through individual and cooperate group research, students learn the states, their capitals, locations, and natural resources. Using an interactive and hands-on curriculum emphasising thinking skills and strategies to explore the world is the cornerstone of fourth grade science. Students use the science process skills and the scientific method as they study the world in which they live and the plants and animals with which they share the earth. Experiments, demonstrations, reports, projects, presentations, guest speakers, co-operative learning groups, and the Internet are integrated throughout each unit to strengthen the student's knowledge base and application of that knowledge.
The library program for fourth grade features individual "free-flow" circulation and Accelerated Reader testing. The library skills/literary appreciation unit includes a review of skills taught in third grade: arrangement and location of all sections, call numbers, and card catalogue skills. Fourth graders are also taught to do automated catalogue searching and to use electronic encyclopaedias. Fourth graders are expected to do more independent reading, with an emphasis on Accelerated Reader books, which include Charlie May Simon selections.
Art, music, physical education, and computer lab are taught for a complete nine-week period by specialised instructors. Students receive forty minutes of instruction and experimentation daily. In addition, Spanish instruction is offered once each week for all fourth grade students.