7 Explain the meanings and give examples of usage of the following words from the text above. Use the chart below.
| Word
| Meaning(s)
| Example of usage other than in the text
Integrity, accountability, perseverance, rigorous, departmentalise, cognitive, manipulative (n), correlate, interactive, hands-on, circulation, call number, card catalogue, selections, instruction, tossed salad, popsicle, cob corn, cole slaw, brownie, jello, meat ball, dip, lot, carpool, alleviate, blacktop, log, binder, index card, flail, post, arbitrarily, follow through, curfew
8 Match the words in the left and right columns to restore the collocations from the text. Give the context where they are used.
| core
| Accelerated Reader goals
| a.
| 1.
| strengthen
| notebook
| a.
| sit out there
| reading comprehension
| b.
| 2.
| rotating
| notes
| b.
| made
| teachers
| c.
| 3.
| assignment
| drop-off
| c.
| rigorous
| an individualised program
| d.
| 4.
| put
| rule
| d.
| departmentalise
| in read
| e.
| 5.
| morning
| overheated
| e.
| emphasises
| prior learning
| f.
| 6.
| alleviate
| the owner of lost items
| f.
| guided through
| skills
| g.
| 7.
| get
| notebook paper
| g.
| across
| phonic development
| h.
| 8.
| be
| on recess duty
| h.
| reinforce
| of retention
| i.
| 9.
| wide
| the knowledge base
| i.
| through
| curriculum
| j.
| 10.
| take up
| the traffic problem
| j.
| builds on
| values
| k.
| 11.
| locate
| on their feet
| k.
| computational
| the curriculum
| l.
| 12.
| think
| place
| l.
| level
| the Shurley method
| m.
| 13.
| in a prominent
| teachers
| m.
9 Answer the questions as far as the materials above are concerned.
1. What goals does the school set for itself? 2. What is the school's motto? 3. How do the school's core values correlate with its mission? 4. How does the school appear in a child's eye? 5. Why do the kids change classes? 6. What does Reading involve? 7. What is English reduced to? 8. What is the level of Math instruction? 9. What are the key features of the science and social studies curriculum? 10. Why are library skills deemed so important? 11. Do the children consume healthy food? 12. Why is the school concerned about proper use of parking lots? 13. Why does the school follow the weather forecasts? 14. Do you see the purpose and relevance of all that stationary and supplies? 15. Why will the pupils label their belongings? 16. What is the school's approach to the homework issue? 17. Does the said school follow any policy related to parents' involvement? 18. Is there an obligatory uniform?