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Discovery Film Festival

Sat 20 October – Sun 4 November


D undee Contemporary Arts


Discovery Film Festival, Scotland’s International Film Festival for Young Audiences, takes place annually at DCA and partner venues across Scotland. Throughout the year, family screenings, creative workshops and youth film projects bring the magic of cinema to young people in Dundee.

Discovery Film Festival is back for its ninth year with another selection of the very best international cinema for young audiences. Over three weekends we’ll be bringing you fantastic animation for wee ones, stories of unlikely friendship, dramatic mysteries and inspiring documentaries. A variety of creative workshops and events run alongside the films and there are two specially-programmedexhibitions in DCA Galleries.

The festival gets started on Sat 20 October with the Scottish premiere of Alfie the Little Werewolf, a charming story about a boy who goes through an unexpected transformation on his seventh birthday. There’ll be an opening reception with Dutch treats, a chance to look around the exhibitions and

a free mask-making workshop.

To book, call 01382 909 900 or visit www.dca.org.uk.




November 1 – 11

Film Africa, the UK’s largest annual festival of African cinema and culture, is back with 10 days of 70 amazing African films, 35 leading filmmakers offering Q&A sessions, panels, free professional workshops, and 8 African music nights. After the huge success of Film Africa last year, this year’s festival is even bigger and better, with a whole range of new exciting educational, family, and arts events alongside the main film programme. It’s a unique opportunity to connect with people who are passionate about Africa and African culture. And this year, in addition to continuing our Silver Baobab Award for Best Short African Film and The Distribution Forum, we will also be inaugurating the Film Africa Audience Award and Picha House, an alternative cinema venue with free screenings throughout the festival.

A Royal African Society event, in association with SOAS, University of London, Film Africa is hosted by the Hackney Picturehouseand also takes place at The Ritzy in Brixton, the Rich Mix in Shoreditch, the BFI Southbank, Screen on the Green in Islington, and the South London Gallery. This means that, no matter where you live in London, you’ll be able to come and enjoy the festival’s rich offerings.

Highlights include:

  • More than 30 filmmakers and actors in attendance
  • The Distribution Forum
  • The Silver Baobab Award for Best Short African Film and the new Audience Award, voted for by our Film Africa audiences.
  • Film Africa LIVE! with performances from some of London’s most exciting musicians and DJs
  • Picha House, an alternative cinema venue with free screenings throughout the festival.



1st UK Disability Film Festival Day


3rd December

DASH, one of the UK’s leading Disability Arts organisations, supported by ScreenWM, are proud to present the 1st UK Disability Film Festival Day on the International Day of Disabled People:

3rd December

It is a unique opportunity for disabled people to showcase their work.


Details of all films are available on www.disabilityfilmfestival.eu or DASH’s website at www.dasharts.org

Many venues will be adding extra events including seminars, workshops, presentations, discussion sessions, interviews with filmmakers and even ‘how to direct a film’ workshops.

Go to the website of the festival or the venue for more details.

· There are 4 screenings throughout the day.

· Not all venues will be showing all screenings.

· All films are subtitled. Full screening list on website.

Please contact us on 01743 272939 or via our websites:

www.disabilityfilmfestival.eu or at www.dasharts.org



Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 550. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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