Open submissions
Deadline for receipt of online submission forms and screeners: • Short films (40 mins or less) - 22 June
Please fill in the required fields through the online submission form if you wish to submit your film for consideration, and for international features and shorts please complete the PayPal form which you will be directed to from the online submission form. (Please note international features and shorts will not be considered without completed payment confirmation and completion of the correct online form). Fees The fee forInternational features is £45 including VAT. The fee for International shorts is £15 including VAT. Packages post (or courier) marked on or before the deadline will be accepted. On completion of your online submission (and completion of payment for International submissions), you will be emailed a confirmation email. Please include this with a DVD copy of the film plus a synopsis as soon as possible, and your PayPal receipt for international submissions. Please ensure the following information is included when you send your screener: • Online submission confirmation email