I. Read and translate the text. II. Answer the following questions:
II. Answer the following questions:
Why is the list of special services offered by hotels long? How does the range of services provided differ? Why do staff members have to speak foreign languages? What types of services can be found in resort hotels? commercial hotels? luxury hotels? What do recreational facilities include? Why do they require the employment of additional personnel? What entertainment do nightclubs offer? In what way do they promote their services? Is babysitting in great demand? Why? What medical service can guests have at hotels? Why is the convention business so important? What is a convention? What facilities does it require? Why does a convention guarantee a good occupancy rate? Why do conventions generate more business for hotels? What people are responsible for handling the convention business? What do standard arrangements include? How must all arrangements be coordinated? In what way are different departments involved in servicing a convention? What is a banquet? When is a banquet usually held? What skills are required for the personnel who handle banquets? Why are hotels seeking new ways and forms of attracting guests? III. Sum up what you've learned from the text about: the variety of special services offered by different types of hotels; recreational facilities found in different hotels; professional specialists needed to provide additional services; nightclub entertainment; a convention and the facilities required for holding conventions; the factors that make the convention business so profitable; the staff people who handle conventions; the tasks of different departments in handling conventions; banquets and the way they are prepared and served. IV. Find in the text words or phrases which correspond to the following definitions: 1. is a meeting, usually held annually, of members of a professional or business group. Information is exchanged and other pertinent business is conducted. 2. is a workshop or special discussion group, often a feature of a convention. 3. _______________is a display of products or/and information. _________s of products or services that are directed to a particular business or professional group are common features of conventions. 4. _________is a formal meal for a large number of people, usually accompanied by speeches or a ceremony of some kind. A manager is usually in charge of such affairs in a hotel. A waiter ___________ is one who specializes in service at s. 5. is a place of entertainment that customarily offers food, drinks, dancing and so on. 7. is.the care and feeding of horses. 8. is taking care of children on a temporary basis while their parents are away in business. 9. ____________________ is the person at a beach or swimming pool who prevents drowning and other accidents. V. Translate into English using vocabulary from the text: предлагать широкий спектр услуг; предоставлять услуги квалифицированного персонала; нанимать на работу людей, владеющих несколькими иностранными языками; еще одна особенность (черта); условия для отдыха и развлечений; предоставлять условия для верховой езды и отдыха на открытом воздухе; как часть бизнеса; приглашение на работу известного артиста; способствует хорошей рекламе; пользоваться большим спросом; обмениваться информацией в данной области; требуются многочисленные средства и условия; посещаемость достигает тысячи или более человек; не принимать во внимание; специальные выставочные площади и помещений для проведения собраний; за плату; порождать больше бизнеса; в сопровождении; возможность уйти от каждодневной обыденности; организовывать съезды; отвечать за привлечение бизнеса; многочисленный выбор; заниматься изучением предложений в поисках более выгодной сделки; вести переговоры в течение длительного времени; стандартные договорные условия; создавать проблемы; наплыв прибывающих гостей; вносить свой вклад; нуждаться в дополнительных трудовых ресурсах; опытные официанты; работать на временной основе; пакетный договор об оплате услуг; весьма конкурентный бизнес; удовлетворять самым разнообразные требованиям. VI. Here are some extracts from a hotel room guide, about facilities a guest can obtain inside a room. Complete the extracts using the words in the box:
(2)_____ the required time in hours and minutes using the (3) ________ clock, e.g. 08.15 (8.15am). Your phone will ring at the set time.
Soft (4) __________ and a selection of (5) _________ beverages can be obtained in the (6) in your room. Items will be charged to your (7) _________, and the (8) _________ replaced daily.
You will find a (9)_______ for making tea and coffee in your room.
For (10)______ calls, dial 0 and then the number. For long-distance or (11) ________ calls, dial 9 to contact the (12) _________.
VII. Read out the dialogues between hotel guests and an enquiries clerk. Make a note of the service that is being talked about in each dialogue. Dialogue 1 G – guest C – clerk G. Where can I park my car? C. You can park your car in the car park behind the hotel. It's free. Or we have a lock-up underground car park. The entrance to that is behind the hotel, too.