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VIII. There are different ways of expressing the same idea.


A. formal speech, used mainly in writing. B. informal speech used in spoken language


A. Drinks can be obtained from the bar B. You can get drinks from the bar.

Car parking is available. You can park your car...



Now write the sentences to match the sentences given:

1. Soft drinks can be obtained from the mini-bar. 1.
2. 2. You can get snacks from room service at any time.
3. Traveller's cheques can be cashed at the cashier's desk. 3. "
4. A photocopying service is available at the Business Centre. 4.
5. Postage stamps... 5. You can buy postage stamps at the sales desk.
6. Foreign newspapers are avertable at the news-stand. 6.

IX. Act out similar dialogues. How could a guest obtain there services?

a) room service

b) a mini bar

c) tea and coffee (without going to the coffee shop)

d) telephone (outside calls)

e) transport (e.g. a taxi, or transport to the airport)

f) car parking

g) an early morning call

h) a doctor

i) security for valuables.

X. Martin and Alfred have recently become Manager and Assistant Manager of a hotel in the south of England, The hotel is a little old-fashioned and they are thinking of improve­ments they could make, additional facilities, etc.

Alfred – A; Martin – M

M. One thing we ought to have is a baby-listening service with a microphone in each room. I know the hotel provides a baby-sitting service with someone staying in the room, if guests specially want it. But we should offer a listening service from the central switchboard as well.

A. Well, we'll have to find out the possibilities'. The thing that strikes me as most important is that we should modernize our telephone system. At present we only have direct-dialling for local calls — long distance calls have to go through the switchboard operator. There ought to be modern equipment that would meter all outgoing calls automatically, too.

M. That's right. Most hotels have that nowadays, and business people certainly want to be able to dial long distance calls directly.

A. Talking about business facilities, we should provide better photocopying facilities. We've been asking guests to hand in any documents for photocopying at reception. But you know we ought to provide a photocopier with public access so that guests could do their own photocopying if they wished.

M. I agree. And we should have a photography service for passport photographs and so on. We could organize that through the Hall Porter.

A. There's another facility we don't offer at present and that's a shoe-cleaning facility — you know, shoe-cleaning machines. They're quite useful if you want a quick shoeshine. We could install one on each corridor. Things like that can make all the difference...

In your own words, say why Martin and Alfred want to

add the facilities they mention.

Think of the purposes and needs that guests have.

Example: They want to provide a photocopying service

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 961. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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