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Additional literature. 3. John and Liz Soars New Headway

3. John and Liz Soars New Headway. Intermediate level. Student’s book. Oxford, 2009.

4. Raymond Murphy. English grammar in use. Cambridge University Press, 2012.

5. Audio discs of “New Headway” for Intermediate level, Disc-1,2.

6. “Objective” by Michael Black, Wendy Shar. Intermediate.Cambridge University Press, 2010

  Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering Hand out English as a Foreign Language Department of General Humanitarian Training 2 credits Academic year the 2012-2013 Intermediate level The 3rd term Practical lesson 8 Lexical theme: People and their appearances. Grammar: Must, may, might, can’t (deduction). Assistant professor Sariyeva Aida Kamzaevna  

Warming up: “Culture is the second nature” Explain this proverb and give examples

Grammar: Must, may, might, can’t (deduction)

  1. When you are sure something is true: Must

Example: They must be out. There aren’t any lights on.

She must have a lot of money. She drives a Porsche.

  1. When you think something is possible: may/might.

Example: His phone’s switched off. He might be on the plane now.

She might not like that skirt. It’s not her style.

  1. When you think something is not possible/not true: can’t

Example: He can’t be ill. I saw him at the gym.

1. Write down and discuss the possibilities with a partner. Which words in the brackets will fit. (must, can, may, might, could, should, will, have/has to)

a) _______ I ask you a question about this exercise?

b) _______ you help me with this exercise, please?

c) He’ll _______ hurry if he wants to get here in time.

d) I _______ be able to come round and see you tonight.

e) Sally ______ read when she was only three.

f) I ______ be seeing Theo later this evening, but I’m not sure.

g) You ______ be feeling very excited about your trip to Florida.

h) They ______ have finished dinner by now.


2. Match a sentences from A and one from B.A

1 I saw Beatrice with Dave last night.

2 I’m going bungee-jumping next week.

3 I can’t find my driving license.

4 Jack’s in Germany till Friday.

5 I can’t open this document.

6 He’s from Brazil, isn’t he?


a) It might be in that drawer.

b) He can’t be. I saw him this morning.

c) He can’t be, he doesn’t speak Portuguese.

d) You might not have the right software.

e) You must be mad!

f) They must be having an affair.


U Listening 1. Listen to the dialogue and give T (true) or F (false) answer.

[1.2 pp37]. Match a line in A with a line in B. Who is talking? Where do you think the conversation are taking place?


1. Could you bring us the bill, please? 2. Would you give me your work number, please? 3. Can I help you? 4. Two large coffees, please. 5. Can you tell me code for Paris, please? 6. I’ll give you a lift if you like. 7. Would you mind opening the window? 8. Could I have extension 283, please? White or black? No problem. It’s stuffy in here. Of course. Oh, shall I give you my mobile number, too? That line’s engaged. Would you like to hold? Yes, sir. I’ll bring it right away. One moment. I’ll look it up. Just looking, thanks. That would be great! Could you drop me off at the libtary.  


3. Listen and check. Which are offers? Which are requests. Practice the conversations, paying particular attention to intonation and stress.

& Reading.

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