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Use the drawings and the context to describe these people.

“Don’t you know, Mary? She’s got shoulder-length wavy/straight blond hair. She’s quite short/tall and slim/overweight. She gas got blue eyes. She’s meddle-aged/in her early twenties. Her brother, Tony, is a good friend of mine. Both of them like outdoor sports like skiing/stamp collecting and hiking/listening to music. She is a very outgoing, sociable/shy sort of person who seems to know hundreds of people. She’s very cheerful/stubborn -you know, the sort of person who is always laughing. But she can be a bit disorganized/reliable. She once lost everybody’s cinema tickets and we all had to pay again!”


“We had Mr Kemp for history last year. He’s got a moustache/beard and short, curly/straight hair. He’s quite short and well-build/overweight. He’s probably in his mid teens/sixties. He really loves his subject and he knows a lot

about history. He’s also interested in climbing/surfing. He went up some of the mountains in the Tatras one year, he told us. He was a very hard working/insensitive teacher. He gave us lots of essays and always marked the quickly. He was never moody/dynamic-always the same, always smiling. He was also very confident/patient with us. If anybody didn’t understand something he explained it again in a different way. He did everything he could to be selfish/helpful”.

? Writing

Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1 Julia sometimes gets ________ if she’s not allowed to do what she wants.

sensible moody mean

2 You’re too ________. Please let me pay this time!

Generous honest sensitive

3 Debra was very ________ tonight. Do you think she’s OK?

extrovert shy quiet

4 Dave’s just ________ because you got a higher score in the test yesterday.

ambitious spoilt jealous

5 In sport, boys are often more ________ than girls. They always want to win.

bossy competitive reliable

6 You should think about how other people feel instead of being so ________!

Spoilt independent selfish

7 My brother’s so ________. He can talk to anyone about anything.

insecure sociable manipulative


Consolidation of the theme. Tick (ü) A, B, or C to complete the sentences with words describing people.

Example: He’s got short curly hair.

A curly B curl C bald

1 He’s tall and _____; he looks great!

A well built B overweight C plain

2 I must cut my _____. It’s getting in my eyes!

A ponytail B fringe C moustache

3 She’s got _____ shoulder-length hair.

A brown B short C yellow

4 I look so _____ in this photo! I’m going to throw it away.

A pretty B attractive C ugly

5 She was a bit _____ so the doctor told her to take more exercise.

A overweight B slim C short

6 He doesn’t have any hair. He’s completely _____.

A handsome B grey C bald


Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1 You should think about how other people feel instead of being so ________!

spoilt independent selfish

2 In sport, boys are often more ________ than girls. They always want to win.

bossy competitive reliable

3 She’s just ________ because you got a higher score in the test yesterday.

ambitious spoilt jealous

4 Jack’s so ________. He can talk to anyone about anything.

insecure sociable manipulative

5 You’re too ________. Please let me pay this time!

generous honest sensitive

6 He sometimes gets ________ if he’s not allowed to do what he wants.

sensible moody mean


$Questions for computer based test

Choose the right variant

1. Where is Sam? I don’t know. He_____ sleeping in his room.

a) must be

b) may be

c) can’t be

d) is able

2. Choose the right variant

It _____ rain today. There is much clouds in the sky.

a) could

b) might

c) have

d) must be

3. Choose the right variant. He _____ because he always gets up very early.

a) may still is asleep

b) can’t still be asleep

c) can’t still being asleep

d) can still be asleep

4. Choose the right variant. He’ usually on time. He _____got delayed

a) Can’t

b) Must have

c) Must

d) May


English Russain Kazakh
deceptive обманчивый, вводящий в заблуждение өтірік
make conclusions делать выводы пайымдау
hospitality гостеприимство, радушие қонақжайлы
to judge cудить, рассуждать cынақ, сынау
Identities особенность, подлинность ерекшелігі
opinion мнение oй, ойша
prefer предпочитать қалау
in common совместно, вместе бірге

Home assignment:Learn modal verbs: Must, have to, should (obligation) and do grammar exercises [1. 134-135]


& Read and translate the text “Funny professor”and do the task bellow.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 2679. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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