II. Grammar and Vocabulary Activities
1. a) Write down the three forms of the following verbs:
Relate, serve, curl, indicate, see, profess, crop, shave, follow, limit, choose, wear.
B) Make up sentences of your own with the verbs given above using Present, Past, Future Simple Tenses in Passive Voice. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the Passive constructions in bold type. Analyse the use of the tense forms of the passive.
1. Noble rank among the ancient Gauls was indicated by long hair. 2. The occupational associations of hair are exemplified by the gray wig of a British barrister and the black wig of a Japanese geisha. 3. The religious significance of hair is seen in the shaved heads of Christian and Buddhist monks. 4. As a sign of mourning the ancient Egyptians, whose heads were usually shaven, drew long hair. 5.Hairstyles in the west have been greatly influenced by changing fashion. 6. Politics were professed by the long curling locks of the Royalist Anglican Cavaliers.
3. Translate into English using the Passive Voice. 1. Перука був пишно завитий. 2. За прикладом кінозірок охоче йшли жінки всіх класів. 3. Модні стилі зачісок диктувалися вищим класом. 4. Мені порадили зробити нову зачіску. 5. Її навчили стригти на курсах перукарів. Write an essay describing advantages and disadvantages of being a hairdresser. Before writing an essay about advantages and disadvantages of a certain topic you should make a list of the good and bad points, giving reasons for each one. In two separate paragraphs give reasons for the points which are for and against the topic. Begin each paragraphs with a topic sentence that summarises what paragraph is about.