Petroleum Geology
Basic Concepts of Geology p.1-13
Be sure you know the following words and their translatiion
| English
| -
| Ukrainian
| -
| Russain
| earth's crust
| -
| земна кора
| -
| земная кора
| fossil
| -
| скам'янілість
| -
| окаменелость
| core
| -
| ядро
| -
| ядро
| petroleum geology
| -
| геологія нафти
| -
| геология нефти
| oil reservoir
| -
| нафтовий пласт (колектор)
| -
| нефтяной пласт (коллектор)
| oilfield
| -
| нафтовий поклад
| -
| нефтяной залежь
| mountain ranges
| -
| гірський хребет
| -
| горная цепь
| mantle
| -
| мантія
| -
| мантия
| magnesium
| -
| магній
| -
| магний
| plate tectonics
| -
| тектоніка плит
| -
| тектоника плит
| oceanic crust
| -
| океанічна кора
| -
| океаническая кора
| continental crust
| -
| континентальна кора
| -
| континентальная кора
13 `
| magma
| -
| магма
| -
| магма
| rift
| -
| розлом, рифт
| -
| розлом, риф
| лава
| -
| лава
| -
| лава
| fold
| -
| складка
| -
| складка
| fault
| -
| розрив
| -
| разрыв
| rock strata
| -
| нашарування гірських порід
| -
| наслоение горных пород
Match the words in column A with their definition in column -B
| В
1 anticline
| a) a downward fold of stratified rock in which the strata slope towards a vertical axis (Philip’s Science and Technology Encyclopedia)
2 dome
| b) an elongated trough of land produced by subsidence of the earth's crust between two faults (
3 syncline
| c) a structure in which rock layers slope away in all directions from a central point (Philip’s Science and Technology Encyclopedia)
4 basin
| d) a geologic period of the Paleozoic era spanning from 416±2.8 to 359.2±2.5 million years ago (
5 graben
| e) a formation of stratified rock raised up, by folding, into a broad arch so that the strata slope down on both sides from a common crest (Philip’s Science and Technology Encyclopedia)
6 horst
| f) the raised fault block bounded by normal faults formed from extension of the Earth's crust (Philip’s Science and Technology Encyclopedia)
7 Cambrian period
| g) that part of the earth's crust that rises above the oceans and is composed of sialic rocks (Philip’s Science and Technology Encyclopedia)
8 lava
| h) referring to the basin-shaped warping of underlying bedrock in a region (
9 continent
| i) the earliest period in whose rocks are found numerous large, distinctly fossilizable multicellular organisms (
10 Devonian period
| j) magma emanating from volcanoes and other vents (