Say whether the following statements are true or false
1 Geology is the science that deals with the origin, history, and physical structure of the earth and its life, as recorded in rocks. 2 Geologists try to answer such questions as how old the earth is, where it came from, and what it is made of. 3 Astronomers and physicists think today that the earth was formed at least 14 billion years ago out of a cloud of cosmic dust. 4 It is considered that the core has two parts: an inner, solid core and an outer liquid core. 5 Mantle around the inner core is formed by heavy minerals. 6 Geologists distinguish between oceanic crust, which lies under the oceans, and continental crust, of which the continents are made. 7 They believe that the tallest mountains in the world, the Himalayas, formed when Japan smashed into Asia. 8 Fossils of marine organisms found in some of the highest mountains and in the deepest oilwells prove that the rocks there were formed in ancient seas and then rose or fell to their present positions. 9 Rock strata that have crumpled and buckled into wavelike structures are called faults. 10 Sedimentary rocks are rocks formed in verticalal layers. 5 Fill in the gaps
Near the surface of the ____________ (1), at atmospheric temperatures and pressures, rocks tend to break when subjected to great stresses such as earthquakes. However, deeper into the crust, _____________ (2) rising from the mantle raises the rocks' temperature, and the pressure of overlying rocks compresses them. At these higher __________ (3) and pressures, the rocks become somewhat flexible. Instead of breaking, they tend to warp or fold when stressed. _______________ (4) occur when broad areas of the crust rise or drop without fracturing. The rock strata in these areas appear to be horizontal but, on closer inspection, are actually slightly tilted, or dipping Rock strata that have crumpled and buckled into ______________(5) structures are called folds. Folds are the most common structures in mountain ________________ (6), ranging in size from wrinkles of less than an inch to great arches and troughs many miles across. The upwarps or arches are called _______________ (7); the downwarps or troughs are synclines. Geologists further divide anticlines and synclines according to how the folds tilt. A short anticline with its crest plunging downward in all directions from a high point is called a ___________________ (8). Many domes are almost perfectly circular. Some of them have a core of one type of rock that has pushed up into the surrounding rock and lifted it, such as the salt domes along the U.S. Gulf Coast. A syncline that dips down toward a common center is called a _______________ (9) Anticlines and synclines are important to petroleum geologists because they often contain petroleum.