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I. Match up:


1) mixed

2) full

3) banqueting

4) station

5) kitchen

6) catering

7) waiter

8) dinner



a) suite

b) department

c) helper

d) board

e) dance

f) drink

g) service

h) waiter




II. Cross out one odd term in each line:

1) cruets, china, napery, break, chrystal, dishes, glassware;

2) haute cuisine, dinner dance, wedding reception, private banquet,

company dinner, public banquet, birthday party;

3) a la carte menu, haute cuisine, deluxe, marmalade, superdeluxe,

table d'hote menu, sommelier;

4) profitable, luxurious, superb, delicious, band, -crisp-, adjacent,


5) coffee-shop, night club, luxury restaurant, exhibition, snack-bar,

fast-food restaurant;

6) bartender, busboy, sommelier, station waiter, caterer, counter,


III. Group the following terms according to the titles in the

table (6 terms in each group):

Coffee, banqueting suite, pantry, cereals, self-catering, continental

breakfast, buffet service usual, bacon, biscuit, soda,.counter service,

roll, servery, storeroom, room service, table d'hote dinner, 4iftftef,

tea, mixed drink, toast, brunch, cocktail lounge, drive-in service,

beer, sandwich, a la carte dinner, full English breakfast, dining-hall,

table service usual, juice.

Food Beverages Premises Types of meals Types of food service


IV. Match the terms with the definitions:


1) a function room



2) a storeroom



3) a servery



4) catering



5) an a la carte




6)a busboy



7) a bartender



8) a table d'hote




a) a menu with a lot of different dishes at separate prices, from which a guest can choose what to order

b) an assistant waiter who clears away dirty plates and cutlery, offers bread and water to guests

c) a menu which has a fixed set of dishes at a single price for the whole meal

d) a special room for holding such functions as lunch parties, company dinners, birthday parties or weddings

e) a special room in a restaurant where foodstuffs and dining-room supplies are stored

f) supply of food and beverages for different formal and informal group functions

g) a special area in the kitchen where waiters pick up ready dishes ordered by restaurant guests to take them to the tables

h) a person at a bar who serves beverages to guests


V. Pick out the right definition;


1) haute cuisine


2) marmalade



3) bulk purchases



4) a station waiter



5) a pantry


6) a busboy



7) a cruet



a) hot dishes

b) high class quality French cooking

c) culinary art

d) French home-made dishes


a) fruit jam

b) jellied sweet

c) orange jam

d) lemon or lime jam


a) wholesale purchases

b) retail purchases

c) main purchases

d) extra purchases


a) a head waiter in a dining-room

b) a room service waiter

c) a waiter in charge of all the service in a dining-room

d) a waiter who serves a group of four or five tables in a dining-room


a) a special room in a restaurant where foodstuffs are stored

b) a special room in a restaurant where food is served

c) a special room in a restaurant where dishes and cruets are kept and where dirty dishes are put

d) a special room in a restaurant

where dirty dishes are washed


a) an assistant waiter who clears away dirty plates and cutlery, offers rolls and water

b) an assistant waiter who takes orders from guests and informs the kitchen of the orders

c) a coach or a bus driver

d) a kitchen helper


a) a small piece of toasted bread served with soup

b) a set of forks, knives and spoons


8) a lounge waiter


9) a function room


10) a catering department


c) a set of containers for salt, pepper, mustard, vinegar and oil on a special stand

d) a set of cotton napkins and a tablecloth


a) a waiter who takes away dirty dishes

b) a waiter who is in charge of room service

c) a waiter who serves guests in a bar

d) a waiter who serves guests during a banquet


a) a room for special arrangements

b) a room for the restaurant staff

c) a room for serving meals and beverages

d) a room for storing food


a) the department which in charge of supplying food and drinks for room service

b) the department which is in charge of arranging conventions

c) the department which is in charge of all restaurant services

d) the department which in charge of supplying food and beverages for different parties



VI. Fill in the blanks:

room service counter service catering

brunch a la carte menus quick snacks

banquet manager wine steward bartender

half broad table d'hote menus food and beverage

storekeeper full board haute cuisine

1. At coffee-shops customers have drinks.

2. The dispatches food and beverages within the department

and keeps the pantry.

3. is late breakfast or early lunch.

4. The department arranges parties and banquets and often

serves conventions.

5. Luxury restaurants are famous for their

6. is a hotel rate when a hotel offers accommodation, breakfast

and two full meals.

7. The recommends and serves wine to the restaurant customers.

8. The department serves individuals and small groups of customers.

9. The makes bulk purchases of food and beverages.

10. is a rate when a hotel offers accommodation, breakfast and

one full meal.

11. When restaurants serve groups, they provide menus.

12. For the banquet the catering department can arrange waiter service,

or self-service.

13. The mixes and pours beverages for customers at a cocktail

lounge or a bar.

14. Hotels provide when their guests want to have food and

beverages in their rooms.

15. When restaurants serve individuals, they offer menus.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 2017. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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