1. I've lost track of you lately. my fellow-students my groupmates my manager our tutors time events 2. Have you finished your on-the-job-training yet? practical work internship exams meal drink brunch 3.1 have always dreamt of seeing a restaurant from the inside. taking a part-time job taking a full-time job working in a catering department handling tour groups attending a dinner dance attending a wedding
4. It is fun, isn't it? Handling tour groups Attending a night club Working in a catering department Working in the front office Working in a night club Speaking a foreign language 5.I can take you along providing you don't catch my manager's eye. take you to the function room take you to the servery kitchen take you to the banqueting suite show you around show you about the hotel show you about the restaurant 6. Supposing I don't make out something. make out the kitchen rales make out the regulations understand the meaning catch the idea see the reason grasp the sense 7. I'll just stick to you if you don't mind. don't object have nothing against it agree to it let me allow me permit me 8. As you probably know, there are lots ofdifferent eating and drinking places. premises here banqueting rooms at the hotel function rooms at our hotel departments at the hotel coffee-shops in the city snack-bars downtown 9. In plain English, if you want to have breakfast in bed,you call the room service. to have meals to have meals and drinks to be served in your room to be attended to in your room
to have meals sent up to your room to have drinks sent up to your room 10. You've made up a perfect example. great superb terrific wonderful remarkable magnificent 11. Are they responsible to any manager? anybody any director any supervisor any chief any staff leader any tour leader 12. Can we have a look at it? the dining-hall the servery kitchen the function room the banqueting room the banqueting suite the store room 13.1 have to admit that I don't see the difference between the food and beverage department and the catering department. don't get don't catch don't grasp can't understand can't realize can't make out 14. The catering department handles all kinds of banquets. public banquets private banquets company dinners business receptions wedding receptions dinner dances 15. What do you mean by the public and private banquets? the room service the key drop the maid service the servery kitchen the function rooms the dinner dances 16. Have a look at a function room. the dining-room the banqueting suite our premises our store room our pantry our servery kitchen 17. Would you care for some drink? a drink a soft drink some juice a snack some refreshments some coffee 18. I'm dying for a cold drink. some cold water some cold juice some iced drink an iced Coke an iced Pepsi an iced tea 19. It will go down well. A cold beer A cold mineral water An iced orange juice An iced Coke A chilled soda water A chilled apple juice
TEXTS Read the texts and answer the questions: