Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) Threats to Health
Our environment poses heath threats from the very things that are supposed to make our lives easier. Electronic devices like laptop computers, cell phones, Wi-Fi networks, microwave ovens, and even the power used by the wires in our walls and ceilings are so important in modern lives, yet their Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) also known as Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) emissions can be harmful. Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) has become a growing concern over the past 50 years because we have electronic devices that emit radiation getting closer and closer to our bodies. The scientific community knows that heath concerns are partly genetic, but also environmental. We know that food, water and air introduce toxins to the body, but we are now beginning to understand through growing evidence that Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) damage cells and can even cause cancer. From the early 1950's to the mid 1970's, the U.S. embassy in Moscow was purposefully bombarded by radio frequency radiation 24 hours a day. The U.S. embassy workers experienced what the perpetrators identified as "Radio Frequency Sickness Syndrome." After some time of concentrated radio frequency radiation exposure, the American ambassador developed leukemia. The next American ambassador also developed leukemia. Blood tests performed on embassy staff members showed irreversible DNA damage. What damage can ELFs cause? Many people are concerned about potential adverse health effects. In 1998, an expert working group, organized by the National Institute of Health’s National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), assessed the health effects of exposure to extremely low frequency EMF, the type found in homes near power lines. Based on studies about the incidence of childhood leukemia involving a large number of households, NIEHS found that power line magnetic fields are a possible cause of cancer. The working group also concluded that the results of EMF animal, cellular, and mechanistic (process) studies do not confirm or refute the finding of the human studies. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (WHO) reached a similar conclusion. Researchers investigated data on cell damage in controlled, repeatable laboratory studies. They pointed out that in one study, human breast cells exposed to Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) were affected. This exposure totally eliminated the effectiveness of melatonin, used to help us sleep. Exposure also caused long-term DNA damage and impaired body cells. The link between Electromagnetic Radiation with power lines and appliances was established as well, and the impact was a reduction of melatonin cleaning-up effect on human breast cancer cells. Other studies showed people who work around Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) are more likely to get breast cancer than those less exposed. The National Cancer Institute studied people exposed to work related microwaves. They concluded that there was a tenfold increase in brain tumors among those working 20 years or more because of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR). The University of Washington conducted research on microwave Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) impact on the brains of rats. The research showed breaks in the DNA associated with increased free radicals and increased cell deaths. This study emulates levels of exposure when using a cell phone against your head. http://www.defenderpad.com/electromagnetic-radiation-health-threats/
Protecting yourself from EMF damage: We need to remember that EMF exposure is cumulative. Our bodies may withstand a certain amount of radiation from wiring and electrical and electronic equipment in the home. An extra geopathic stress, such as from radio-frequencies or high tension power lines or underground running water may tip us over the edge. Indeed, we need to remember that any other toxic source will add to the burden and destabilize the body. Nothing can be separated out. So—we need to do all we can to reduce the overall burden, while improving the body's vitality and its immune health. Specific ways to protect yourself from the force of EMR: -Increase the distance between you and the power lines. -Limit the time spent around the power lines. -Sleep on the other side of the house from overhead wires, radio beams, etc. -Do not have a TV or computer on the other side of a wall from your bed. -Sit well back from the TV. -Avoid equipment which relies on radio beams or emits radiation of any kind.
The international reaction: Despite all researches, the general scientific consensus is that, thus far, the evidence available is weak and is not sufficient to establish a definitive cause-effect relationship. It is impossible to identify a particular given cause in each case. Research needs to be conducted over a large section of the population. Much of the research about power lines and potential health effects is inconclusive. Despite more than two decades of research to determine whether elevated EMF exposure, principally to magnetic fields, is related to an increased risk of childhood leukemia, cancer and other diseases, there is still no definitive answer. http://www.nzine.co.nz/features/emr2.html A) Decide if the following statements are true or false: