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Extended definitions


To demonstrate your knowledge of a concept more fully, sometimes it is relevant and important to expand your definition. An extended definition usually begins with a general, one-sentence definition and then becomes more specific.

A) Read an extract from the World Bank’s extended definition of corruption and answer the questions:

1) How is the passage organized?

2) What type of information is included in each of the sentences in the definition?

3) Sentence 4 begins with “we”. Is it appropriate?


The term corruption covers a broad range of human actions. To understand its effect on an economy or a political system, it helps to unbundle the term by identifying specific types of activities or transactions that might fall within it. In considering its strategy the Bank sought a usable definition of corruption and then developed a taxonomy of the different forms corruption could take consistent with that definition. We settled on a straightforward definition—the abuse of public office for private gain. Public office is abused for private gain when an official accepts, solicits, or extorts a bribe. It is also abused when private agents actively offer bribes to circumvent public policies and processes for competitive advantage and profit. Public office can also be abused for personal benefit even if no bribery occurs, through patronage and nepotism, the theft of state assets, or the diversion of state revenues. This definition is both simple and sufficiently broad to cover most of the corruption that the Bank encounters, and it is widely used in the literature. Bribery occurs in the private sector, but bribery in the public sector, offered or extracted, should be the Bank’s main concern, since the Bank lends primarily to governments and supports government policies, programs, and projects.



B) In pairs put these sentences in the correct order:

1) Knowing the critical path on a project, the project manager can apply additional management techniques to the tasks in the critical path sequence to reduce the risk of delays in the completion of those tasks and the overall project schedule.

2) Critical path is a term used in the field of project management to define a sequence of tasks in a project wherein none of the tasks can be delayed without affecting the final project end date.

3) In effect, the timely completion of each task in the sequence is to the timely completion of the project.

4) Critical path is, therefore, a risk management technique.

5) The sequence of tasks making up the critical path starts with the first task in the project, and follows through to the last task in the project.



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