Book with one author
Author’s last name, First and Second Initial. (Year). Title italic. (edition). Publication location: Publishing company.
| Coon, D. (1992). Psychology: a modular approach to mind and behavior (6th ed.). St Paul (MN): West Publishing.
Edited book
Editor's last name, First and Second Initial. (Ed.). (Year). Title italic. Publication location: Publishing company.
| Bermudez, J. L. (Ed.). (2006). Philosophy of psychology: contemporary readings. New York: Routledge.
More than two authors
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Book, no author, or editor
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Online book
Author(s), year of publication, book title (in italics), subtitle (optional), URL or DOI.
| Maclean, H. (1932). Nursing in New Zealand: History and reminiscences. Retrieved from
Journal article
Author's last name, First and Second Initial. (Year). Article title. Journal title, volume number, page numbers.
| Watson, D. (2001). Dissociations of the night: Individual differences in sleep-related experiences and their relation to dissociation and schizotypy. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 110(4), 526-535.
Newspaper article
Author's last name, First and Second Initial. (Year, Month Date). Article title. Newspaper title, volume and/or issue number (if applicable), p/pp. page numbers.
| Swain, H. (2005, October 25). The best of times, the worst of times. The Guardian, p. 12.
Electronic article
Author's last name, First and Second Initial. (Year). Article title. Journal title, volume, page numbers.
| Mello, Z. R. (2008). Gender variation in developmental trajectories of educational and occupational expectations and attainment from adolescence to adulthood. Developmental Psychology, 44, 1069-1080.
Online journal article
Author(s), year of publication, article title (not in italics), journal name (in italics), volume number (in italics), issue number, page number range of the article (if available), URL or journal home page.
| Baxter, S. (2009). Learning through experience: The impact of direct experience on children's brand awareness. Marketing Bulletin, 20. Retrieved from
Web page
Author(s), year of publication, page title (in italics), URL address.
| Benson, A. & Kipp, R. M. (2012). Potamopyrgusantipodarum. Retrieved from