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Language Study

A) Read the text and choose the right answer:

1) The Space Station is manned object ever sent into space.

a) the smallest

b) the largest

c) the most beautiful

2) The International Space Station is roughly the same size as ________.

a) a football field

b) Indianapolis Motor Speedway

c) The White House

3) The liveable area of the station is about that of ________.

a) a studio apartment

b) a five-bedroom house

c) a subway car

4) The International Space Station runs on ________ power.

a) solar

b) gasoline

c) coal

5) Which is the least powerful instrument that can be used to see the International Space Station in orbit?

a) a powerful telescope

b) average binoculars

c) the naked eye

6) The ISS includes sections built by the U.S., Russia, Japan, Canada and ________.

a) India

b) Italy

c) New Zealand

7) The Space Station enables observations to be made of the world's population.

a) more than 60 percent

b) 100 percent

c) more than 90 percent

8) Which word best describes the building of the International Space Station?

a) competitive

b) collaborative

c) cosmetic

d) corrosive


B) Translate the following words from English into Russian and use at least 8 of them in the sentences of your own:

a permanently-occupied space station; pressurized living and working space; a perigee of; an apogee of; an inclination of; vehicle; living quarters; docking compartments; lay the groundwork for smth.; truss structures; habitation and centrifuge accommodation modules; an unprecedented achievement; utilize a research platform in space; the premiere research facility; studies in micro and hyper gravity; cure.


C) Sum up the information on space station and fill in the table:

Description of the International Space Station History Countries-participants (examples of their contributions) The ISS’s mission and goals

D) Decide on the best order for the sentences in the text:

Zvezda Service Module



1) Zvezda served as the early cornerstone for the first human habitation of the station, providing the early station living quarters, life support system, electrical power distribution, data processing system, flight control system and propulsion system.

2) It has a mass of 19,051 kilograms (42,000 pounds), a length of 13.1 meters (43 feet), and a wingspan of 29.7 meters (97.5 feet).

3) Although many of these systems have now been supplemented or replaced by U.S. station components, the Service Module will always remain the structural and functional center of the Russian segment of the International Space Station.

4) The first fully Russian contribution to the International Space Station - Zvezda was launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome by a Proton rocket on July 11, 2000, and docked with the ISS two weeks later.

5) It also provided a communications system that includes remote command capabilities from ground flight controllers.




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