Read several suggestions for writing the title of an abstract. Decide whether they are true or false. Explain your answers.
4) Read the five extracts from different papers. Complete a suitable title for each paper. Then answer the following questions: ~Is the title clear/vague, precise/imprecise (too general), too short/long? ~Does it say what key results were/what the researcher did, but not what the key result was? ~Does it include keywords for Internet searchers? ~Does it include details about where the research happened or what was studied? ~Does it contain phrases like “An effect of...” or a joke? ~Which titles are most helpful for the reader? A) This paper discusses the components and techniques of protecting low voltage systems from lightning generated electrical transients and the adequacy of International Standards in addressing the transient protection issues. Title:Surgeof Low Voltage Systems and Relevant Standards. B) The goal of the experiment was to provide complex information on the performance of a radio base station affected by surge currents. Such information may be used in further analysis of lightning threat. Title:Measurement of Surgeand Potentials in a.
C) Electric field derivatives associated with Narrow Bipolar Pulses (NBPs) were analyzed and presented in this paper.
Title:On the of Narrow Bipolar Pulses. D) This paper will present theoretical and mathematical background of the process which aims at evaluation of lightning current parameters suitable for the analysis of high voltage transformer station overvoltage protection. Title: A of Lightning Current Parameters Suitable for Analysis of HV Substation Overvoltage Protection.
E) The protection angle proved to be suitable for high voltage lines up to now. The standardized method involves much problems and contradictions applying to three-dimensional structures. Therefore, it should be restrictively used as an additional method for design air-termination systems.
Title:Problems and Solutions of Utilizing theMethod.