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EDEN Best Research Paper Award

The year 2008 marks the beginning of continuously granting the EDEN Best

Research Paper Award at EDEN’s Annual Conferences as well as at EDEN’s biannual Research Workshops. A high quality standard selection process in collaboration with the Ulrich Bernath Foundation for Open and Distance Learning shall guarantee the branding of a distinguished and reputable award for scholarly conference papers in the field of open, distance and e-learning.

The evaluation criteria:

1. The paper contributes convincingly to the theme(s) of the conference.

2. The paper deals with a research question of relevance for conference participants.

3. Rigorous examination/research methods are applied.

4. Findings, results and outcomes are convincingly presented and critically examined.

5. Conclusions are thoroughly discussed (including aspects like applicability, transferability, and/or further research).

6. Literature is reviewed against the state of art.

In addition, authors need to confirm that at least 30% of their paper has been originated for and at least one author has registered for participation at the respective EDEN Conference.

EDEN Best Research Paper Award 2009 granted at the 2009 Annual EDEN Conference in Gdansk on June 12th: Members of the Jury: Otto Peters (Chairman of the Jury, Professor Emeritus and Founding Rector, Fern Universität Hagen/Germany), Sabine Seufert (Professor and Executive Director of the Swiss Centre for Innovations in Learning (SCIL), University of St. Gallen/Switzerland), Nicholas Allen (Provost Emeritus & Collegiate Professor, University of Maryland University College (UMUC)/USA), Anna Grabowska (Head of Autodesk Authorised Training Centre at Gdańsk University of Technology and Project Manager at PRO-MED Co Ltd), Martine Vidal (Centre National d’Enseignement à Distance – Cned/France and EDEN Vice President), Ulrich Bernath& Thomas Hülsmann (Trustees and Directors of the U. B. Foundation). Laudation: “In the jury’s judgment, in accordance with the evaluation criteria published in the EDEN conference program, the five finalists equally had the potential for winning the award each in its way with their respective strength; when all was said and done the Jury unanimously decided that the winner of this year’s EDEN Best Research Paper Award is: EVALUATING CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT QUALITY IN COMPETENCE-BASED EDUCATION ONLINE: THE CASE OF THE E-FOLIO by Alda Pereira, Isolina Oliveira, LuísTinoca, LúciaAmante, Maria de Jesus Relvas, Maria do Carmo Teixeira Pinto, Darlinda Moreira, UniversidadeAberta, Portugal The Jury considered the paper to be a convincing contribution to the theme of the conference; it is innovative and creative as it makes a case of continuous quality assessment by e-folios, a new and necessary tool for an alternative assessment strategy that is part of a university-wide development of online learning. The paper is a product of a team of researchers which is an innovation in itself. The method applied is 'design-based research', which is new and highly recommended for education and other human sciences. The paper gives a good example on how this research method can be applied in an innovative process that aims at transforming traditional distance education practice into online teaching and learning."


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 571. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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