Visual aid mediums
You can use a variety of mediums for your visual aids: PowerPoint: PowerPoint is one of the easiest and most professional delivery systems for visual aids. Transparencies: If you do not have access to PowerPoint software, or will not have access to a computer during your presentation, another option is to create transparencies for use with an overhead projector. Boards and flip charts: White boards, chalkboards and flip charts are excellent tools to encourage your audience to contribute ideas or demonstrate "how to" do something like solve a problem. Handouts: It is a good practice to use handouts as a good medium for future reference. Unlike the other delivery systems for visual aids, you can get away with including more information in a handout. Regardless of the medium you use to create your visual aids, remember that visual aids should: Be visible: Use the right font size. Fill the page: White space is fine, but do not group all of your text in the centre of the slide with a wide, black border Be balanced: Make sure visuals are balanced top to bottom and left to right. Use colour wisely: Use colours that contrast so the distinction between colours is easily discernible. Remember that yellow is difficult to see on a white background. Red often signifies negative information such as decreased revenue, green often signifies positive information such as an increase in sales. [Some details are omitted]