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Indexes of Websites

www.ahmadtea.ua Аhmad – компанія з виробництва чаю.
www.lipton.com Lipton – компанія з виробництва чаю.
www.umc.com.ua UMC – одна з найбільших компаній мобільного зв’язку.
www.porshe.com Porshe – одна з найбільших автомобільних компаній.
www.microsoft.com Microsoft – одна з найбільших компаній з виробництва програмного забезпечення.
www.americanbland.com Americanbland – одна з найбільших тютюнових компаній.
www.ford.com Ford – одна з найбільших автомобільних компаній.
www.kyivstar.net Київстар – одна з найбільших українських компаній мобільного зв’язку.
www.privatbank.ua Приватбанк – одна з найбільших фінансово-кредитних компаній.
www.bmwusa.com BMW – одна з найбільших автомобільних компаній.
www.toyota.com Toyota – одна з найбільших автомобільних компаній.
www.benetton.com Benetton – одна з найбільших компаній з розповсюдження щоденного одягу.
www.leejeans.com Lee Jeans – одна з найбільших компаній з виготовлення джинсового одягу.
www.nike.com Nike – одна з найбільших компаній з виготовлення спортивного одягу.
www.motorola.com Motorola –official site of Motorola, provider of mobility products and solutions across broadband and wireless networks. Products include cell phones and mobile devices, networking and broadband peripherals, and cellular network systems.
www.samsung.com Samsung –official site of Motorola, provider of mobility products and solutions across broadband and wireless networks. Products include cell phones and mobile devices, networking and broadband peripherals, and cellular network systems.
www.ericsson.com Ericsson – international manufacturer of advanced systems and products for wired and mobile communications in public and private networks.
www.nokiausa.com Nokia – quality Nokia video phone. Feel connected, share life’s special moments instantly.
www.lge.com Lge – major global force in electronics and information and communications products: Digital Display & Media, Digital Appliance, Telecommunication Equipment & Handset.
www.mcdonalds.com McDonalds – official site for the McDonalds division.
http://www.yum.com/ Yum – operates KFC, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Long John Silver’s, and A&W restaurants worldwide.
http://www.wendys.com/w-1-0.shtml Wendys – quick-service hamburger restaurant chain.
http://www.pizza-celentano.com/partners.php Pizza-Celentano – Ukrainian quick-service restaurant chain.
http://www.shvydko.ua/shvydko/glavna/ Shvydko – Ukrainian quick-service restaurant chain.
http://www.potatohouse.biz/ Potatohouse – Ukrainian quick-service restaurant chain.
http://www.kyivstar.net Kyivstar – national mobile operator. Corporate and contract connection, Ace & Base. Information about the company, services and tariffs; card GSM and GPRS-coverings.
http://www.umc.ua/ukr/splash.php UMC – Ukrainian mobile operator. Contract and corporate, prepaid subscribers connection. Information about the company, GSM and GPRS-covering of network, services and tariffs.
http://www.cingular.com Cingular – provides wireless voice and data services to customers across the United States.
http://www.orange.co.uk/ Orange – engaged in the operation of a digital telecommunications network in the U.K. and the sale and marketing of telecommunications services.
http://www.o2.com/ O2 – incorporates BT Cellnet and Genie. Phones and services may be purchased from local high street retailers, appointed service providers, or online.
http://www.smart.com. Smart – offers a cellular mobile telephone system, an international gateway facility, a paging network, a local exchange network, and a nationwide digital transmission network.
http://www.mazda.com/ Mazda – Mazda Motor Corporation, Annual Report 2010, Mazda Distributor List.
http://www.lamborghini.com/ Lamborghini – official site for the Volkswagen division.
http://www.bmw.com/ BMW – official site featuring information on new models, products, services, and activities.
http://www.jaguar.com/ Jaguar – official site of the Ford Motor Company division featuring new models and local dealer information.
http://www.mercedes-benz.com Mercedes-Benz – official site of the DaimlerChrysler division featuring new models, purchasing information, and special features.
http://www.coca-cola.com/flashIndex1.html Coca-Cola – official site for Coca-Cola, the manufacturer and distributor of Coke, Diet Coke, and other soft drinks, as well as soda concentrates and syrups, fruit juice products, ready to drink teas, and coffee beverages.
http://www.pepsico.com/ PepsiCo – official site for PepsiCo, a consumer products company focused on convenience foods and beverages sold under the Pepsi, Frito-Lay, Tropicana, Quaker, and Gatorade brand names.
http://www.calypso.co.uk/infozone/profile/ Calypso – company profile, company strategy, company history.
http://www.sprite.com/index.jsp www.sprite.com/ Sprite – official site of the soft drink.
http://www.obolon.com/ua Obolon – history and traditions, production.


[1] Peter Ferdinand Drucker (November 19, 1909 – November 11, 2005) was an Austrian-born American management consultant,educator, and author, whose writings contributed to the philosophical and practical foundations of the modern business corporation. He was also a leader in the development of management education, he invented the concept known as management by objectives, and he has been described as "the founder of modern management".

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