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Development of linguistic abilities

In domestic psychology development of any phenomenon of human mentality is accepted for determining as process at which on the basis of quantitative complication and changes arise qualitatively new formations and all psychological system passes to a new level of functioning (L.I. Ancyferova, V.G. Аsееv, А.V. Bruhshinskii, S.L. Rubinstein and others). Basing on the given statement, under development of linguistic abilities we shall understand the natural change of their components expressed in quantitative transformation and qualitative reorganization of last which result in that, «that there is a perfection of activity of the individual, the person as a whole».

Development of speaking other language abilities, as well as in general any development, represents forward transition from the lowest to the highest from less perfect to more perfect. According to S.L. Rubinstein’s statement, development of abilities occurs on an ascending spiral: «realization of an opportunity which represents ability of one level, opens new opportunities for the further development of ability more a high level»

Proceeding from the statement, that «the central problem at research... development disclosing laws transition from the lowest level of development to the highest in a context of the present work consideration of sources of development of linguistic abilities and the major factors influencing this development is represented essential. The given problem includes the whole complex of questions on biological and social ratio, about abilities and inclinations, about driving forces of development of linguistic abilities.

As it was already specified above, a problem of development of any abilities including to mastering foreign language, can be solved from a position of a principle of a determinism according to which the external reasons at all stages of development operate through internal conditions. Proceeding from this, it is possible to approve that formation and development of speaking other language abilities occurs as a result of complex interaction social (training and education) and natural (inclinations) of factors.

During researches it was established that human abilities are formed and develop «due to fastening in a brain of that new that carries with themselves life experience of the person» (Leytes N.S., 1961). On the basis of it, domestic psychologists formulate regulations about development of the common and special abilities during interaction of the individual with world around: abilities develop due to mastering of public cultural experience, by creation and development of products of historical development of human activity, during training and education on the basis of mastering by knowledge and expansion of skills (L.S. Vygotskii, A.N. Leontyev, S. L. Rubinstein, Y.A. Samarin and others). However, as it was already marked by us earlier, all scientists converge on ideas about illegitimacy of an identification of abilities with knowledge and skills though emphasize their close interrelation and interdependence. So, S.L. Rubinstein about this writes: «Not coinciding in any way with abilities, skills, the engineering of the given activity, skills, knowledge, with it connected, are an essential condition development of the appropriate abilities, just as presence of the appropriate abilities is a condition for mastering by these skills».

Relationship between skills and knowledge, habits and abilities has a physiological basis, which is detailed in the work of Y.A. Samarin (1954). Relying on the doctrine of I.P. Pavlov, material basis for all knowledge, habits and skills is the system of temporary connections, which is formed in the cerebral cortex. Fast formation of these bonds, their strengthening depends on the characteristics of the nervous system (the force of the nervous processes, their mobility, balance between), which Y.A. Samarin presents as a material basis of abilities. In turn, the properties of the nervous system, as the scientist believes, depend on the wealth, strength, and the relationship of the neural circuits in the cerebral cortex, which are due to all the life experience.

Inclinations, "the internal conditions of development” of linguistic abilities are, firstly, the general typological properties of the nervous system - power, agility, balance, affecting the functioning of all cognitive processes, mental stamina, intellectual activity, focus on the object of cognition, self-regulation of cognitive processes in implementation of studying activities on language acquisition, and, secondly, functions of the cerebral cortex areas serve as the inclinations (eg, auditory).

Kabardov M.K. (1983, 1996) describes the physiological basis of different kinds of abilities to master a foreign language. So, the inclinations of speech-communicative abilities is the dominance of the right hemisphere of the brain, the predominance of the first signaling system and the high liability of neural processes, whereas the material substrate of cognitive-linguistic abilities include, on the contrary, the inertia of the nervous system, left hemisphere dominance and the dominance of the functions of the second signal system.

Concluding the consideration of the relationship between natural and acquired linguistic abilities, we can say that the inclinations and foreign-language speech and language skills in the aggregate constitute a "single dynamic system” and are necessary conditions for development of abilities in foreign languages.

L.S. Vygotsky (1960) highlights two main features of the development of mental functions. The first of these is the assertion that the substrate underlying the growing phenomenon remains unchanged. In our opinion, concerning the linguistic abilities of it here could go on the constancy of their organic, natural base - inclinations. The second main feature that is included in the concept of development, according to L.S. Vygotsky, is the existence of internal communication between the last stage of development and performed change.

Similar ideas are expressed by S.L. Rubinstein as well; he assumed that the formation of a new stage of mental development is not purely external add-in. According to the scientist, "every preceding stage is always a preparatory step to the next, inside of her grow... the forces and relations, which having become the leading, give rise to a new stage of development ". In this case, S.L. Rubinstein focuses on the fact that each phase or stage of development of the phenomena of the psyche, “being qualitatively different from all others, is a relatively homogenous whole, so its psychological characteristic as a psychological whole is possible"(1976).

On the basis of the statements it seems to us extremely important to consider the stages of development of linguistic abilities. In this regard, three main stages should be defined.

In the first phase favorable conditions for early formation and development of the child's general abilities is formed, a certain level of which serves as a prerequisite for the next development of special abilities. This stage refers to the period of life from birth to 6-7 years.

Here takes place the preparation of anatomical and physiological basis of future capabilities, improving the operation of all analyzers, development and functional differentiation of individual sections of the cerebral cortex.

On the second step in the implementation of studying activities on mastering a foreign language begins formation and development of special linguistic abilities. The main factor behind this development is the gradual structuring of natural properties in relation to the requirements of the activity (e.g., auditory sensitivity is related to speech motor regulation with language acquisition in a foreign language). Thus there are the supporting properties of abilities (Kovalev A.G., 1970). In the further process of formation and development of foreign language abilities, these properties are beginning to correlate with specific properties of memory and thinking.

On the third stage at regular practicing the language linguistic abilities reach the optimal level needed for easy and quick mastery of speech and language skills.

Separately can be identified also the fourth stage of the development of foreign language skills when there is a transition from educational, reproductive level to the level of professional skills, such as the ability of translation (Bondarevskaya O.I., 1998), or the level of creativity - the ability to implement research activities in field of linguistics.

As it has been repeatedly noted, the formation of new elements takes place in the process of mental activity. Consequently, the source of mental development is overcoming internal contradictions between the available level of development of individual’s cognitive processes, the prevailing characteristics of his personality and the objective requirements of activity (Teplov E.M., 1961). According to the thoughts of E.G. Aseev, "the development process is specific by the fact that the corresponding activity is richer than its regulatory mechanism... This mismatch, the discrepancy between subjective and objective... is an important fact and is a necessary condition for the development of mental "(1978).

V.A. Krutetskiy (1972) formulates three basic principles according to which activity aimed at developing the abilities should be organized:

1) it should not carry a reproductive meaning but a creative;

2) the studying should focus not on the already achieved level of development of ability components, but stay ahead of development, focusing on those features of the components of ability, which is not yet formed;

3) learning activity must be deeply positively motivated. For stimulating the development of abilities V.A. Krutetskiy (1971) proposes to organize the learning process so that the students faced the problematic task and encourage their attempt to solve these problems independently.

In the work of O.P. Krichever (1989) in order to stimulate the development of foreign language skills a system of language training, organized in the form of a solution of perceptual, mnemonic and speech and thinking tasks aimed at the mastery of rational methods and ways of mastering language material and mastering the skills of foreign speech is proposed. Improving the mnemonic component of linguistic abilities, according to observations of the researcher, happens in the mastery of rational methods of storing and playing back. Thus, the productivity of mechanical memory is determined by using the techniques of integration of operational units, among which focus is on the organization of words into semantic complexes; of the development of the same logical memory indicates quickness in remembering the information, embedded in the foreign language texts, the strength of its retention, and accuracy of playback. Improvement of auditory speech perception in the process of solving perceptual problem tasks implies simultaneity of the processes of perception and understanding of foreign language speech, a fairly accurate retention of its linguistic form and semantic content. Development of verbal thought component in progress of speech and thinking targets for annotating and abstracting foreign language texts is reflected in the depth of understanding of these texts, in the ability to distinguish the most substantial connection in them and identify the main idea, as well as the productivity of verbal expression.

I.N. Lukashenko (1976, 1978, 1983) as a basis for the development of linguistic ability takes the formation of the capacity for functional-linguistic generalizations, which in her opinion, then provides for the development of other components of linguistic abilities - automatic interverbal relations, probabilistic prediction of words and their elements, verbal memory. I.N. Lukashenko also is of the opinion that the efficiency of the formation and development of language skills depend on the management of educational activities for mastering a foreign language, and presents basic principles of studying organization.

This is, firstly, a systemic delivery of the material in the form of a generalized model of its structural relations and the essential attributes contributing to the formation of linguistic concepts, actions, and, secondly, the selection and description of linguistic operations and generalized methods of forming the system of linguistic actions, teaching self-compiling algorithmic requirements leading to the formation of generalized modes of actions with language material and to a broad transfer of linguistic actions on new tasks.

Thus, the review of the literature suggests that properly organized learning activity to master the foreign language make students face problems solution of which requires from students a certain tension of mental functions, "involved" in learning the language.

As can be seen from the above, the development of linguistic abilities can occur only when the demands of foreign language exceed the level of existing capacities needed for their implementation, which stimulates the emergence of contradictions. In this regard, the student's existing motives and goals of educational activities’ implementation for mastering the language get an important meaning; this significant role is due to the following. According to V.G. Aseev, any motivation is specific for it captures the desired future state of reality, which is not yet available. "Motivation embodies a contradiction between undesirable reality and desirable future and only because of this becomes a stimulus, driven force of activity and activities aimed at... the removal of this contradiction "(1978).

In psychological science, it is generally accepted that an individual develops only by its own activity, regulating and directing the command. In particular, mental activity, understood as the intensity, the greater or lesser severity of the mental activity of the subject, is seen as a necessary prerequisite for the development of general and special abilities (Leites N.A., 1970, 1972), including the ability to master a foreign language (Krichever O.P., 1989, Nazarenko N.A., 1986, Sibiryakova V.F., 1978). This is due to the fact that mental activity helps to enhance mental processes that operate in a particular activity, and “regulates the inclusion into cognitive processes of mechanisms, providing a higher level of its organization "(Telegina E. D., 1979).

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 687. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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