Glossary & New Concepts.
Critical period for language acquisition
Cerebral hemisphere
Higher-order language functions
Low-order language functions
Peer pressure
Coordinate bilinguals
Compound bilinguals
Language ability
Linguistic talent
Phonetic coding
Grammatical sensitivity
Mechanical memory
| a biologically determined period of life when language can be acquired more easily and beyond which time language is increasingly difficult to acquire.
is the process of physical changes by which a child's body becomes an adult body capable of reproduction.
(hemispherium cerebrale) is one of the two regions of the eutherian brain that are delineated by the median plane, (medial longitudinal fissure). The brain can thus be described as being divided into left and right cerebral hemispheres.
Is a location in the right or left side of the brain
such as semantic relations, are more dependent on late maturing neural circuits, which may explain why college students can learn many times the amount of grammar and vocabulary that elementary school students can learn in a given period of time.
such as pronunciation are dependent on early maturing and less adaptive macroneural circuits, which makes foreign accents difficult to overcome after childhood.
(from Ancient Greek: φωνή, phōnḗ, "voice, sound" and λόγος, lógos, "word, speech, subject of discussion") is the systematic use of sound to encode meaning in any spoken human language, or the field of linguistics studying this use.
is defined as "progressive interior organization of knowledge in a stepwise fashion
is a particularly important variable in considering child-adult comparisons.
are people who learn a second language in natural separate contexts, they have two meaning systems
are people who have one meaning system from which both languages operate.
is the act of inserting words, phrases, or even longer stretches of one language into the other
is considered as specific human ability to mastering the language, it is general, peculiar equally to each healthy person in all these interpretations.
is a special abilities to mastering foreign language
is an ability of the individual to represent by means of the certain images the heard sound material so that was available an opportunity through some of time of it to identify and recall.
is an ability to feel function of a word in different contexts.
is an ability to storing a speaking another language material for short time.
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