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Diagnostics of language abilities

Diagnostics of development of linguistic abilities consists of six under methods. Each of these methods is intended for revealing a degree of development of the cognitive processes playing the important role in mastering by foreign languages which were described earlier.

1) «Installation of grammatical rules in an artificial language».

The purpose of a method: definition of a level of linguistic thinking, ability to revealing grammatical laws in unfamiliar foreign language.

The essence of a method consists that the cards containing words in invented language are offered applicants, examples of offers and their Russian equivalents. It is necessary for applicants by the analysis of offers in invented language and, using the dictionary of additional words to translate offered offers from Russian.

On the basis of the analysis of the given offers grammatical rules of unfamiliar language are deduced, namely is established: the word order in the offer as forms of past (future) time and plural numbers of a verb are formed, by means of what means is expressed denying action as the form of a plural number and an accusative case of names of nouns is formed.

At processing results the quantity of grammatical mistakes is counted up.

2) «Filling of a phrase blank».

The purpose of a method: revealing of a level of development of ability to the probable forecasting, providing an optimality and adequacy of perception and understanding of speaking another language speech, and as speed and an originality speech production. The essence of a method consists in filling the gap in the offer the greatest possible number of variants during limited time.

As a material for diagnostics the cards containing on two offers with gaps, for example, «the Girl…are used looked at him», «Two workers…did repair». The task consists in filling these misses as it is possible a plenty of words suitable on a context, word collocations, revolutions, parenthetic clauses etc. within 10 minutes.

Results are analyzed in view of two levels of functioning of the mechanism probabilistic forecasting - semantic and verbal hypotheses, i.e. fixed as quantity of variants of filling of misses which the quality testifies to breadth and narrowness of associative connections, and, testifying about flexibility and inertness of verbal thinking.

All semantic hypotheses can be divided into the basic two groups: а) attributive; b) adverbial.

Each semantic hypothesis is realized by means of a verbal hypothesis. On each such semantic hypothesis are counted up amount of verbal hypotheses and it is calculated arithmetical mean value.

3) «Volume of operative verbal memory».

The purpose of a method: scoping of operative memory, i.e. quantity of correctly reproduced separate units of the verbal information.

For scoping operative memory on a visual modality 3 posters with the written questions were offered, for example, «What color it happens, ice-cream, a strawberry …» (only 13 names).

For check of memory on an acoustical modality similar questions have become engrossed in reading on hearing. Before the beginning of the test to applicants the instruction was given: «Now to you 6 questions will be given, 3 from which will be read aloud, and the others are written on sheets of a paper. In each question are listed on 13 words, for example, What color it happens, ice-cream, a strawberry, …? Answering on questions it is necessary to write down these words in a column in the any order and then to name appropriate to them quality all over again. It is impossible to make notes during listening, it is necessary only to try to remember 13 words contained in a question.

For an assessment of works, under each task the quantity of correctly reproduced words is counted up, then deduced средне arithmetic under all three answers, both on acoustical, and on a visual modality.

4) «Interpretation of proverbs»

The purpose of a method is definition creativity of a degree of development, depths of verbal thinking, and as speech activity which is positively correlated with a level of development of linguistic abilities. The high level allows thinking creatively, "untempletly" to express the ideas in foreign language. A high level of development creativity, the deep verbal thinking and speech activity are shown in ability adequately to express in different language forms an idea made in a proverb, thus as more as possible отрешенней from an offered syntactic design and a set of speech units.

For the given method the cards containing on two proverbs are used. It is necessary to express the ideas made in the given proverbs by anyone in other words as it is possible the big variant.

Answers are estimated by three criteria:

а) By quantity of variants of interpretation of proverbs. Examinees with high linguistic abilities give the greater number of variants that is caused by their greater speech understanding activity;

b) On adequacy of transfer of sense of proverbs. Applicants with deep verbal thinking quickly and precisely catch the basic sense made in proverbs, and design variants very faithful to a sample. Applicants, whose verbal thinking is characterized by smaller depth, meet difficulties at the analysis of proverbs and not always adequately transfer sense to the given proverb on other materials.

c) On originality of the statement. A variety of language means and ways of a formulation of ideas is typical of applicants with high-creative verbal thinking at an explanation of sense of proverbs.

5) «Reproduction of the text».

The purpose of a technique: definition of a level of development of visual and acoustical verbally logic memory and revealing of a degree of distribution of attention between the contents of the text and its language expression.

The essence of a method consists that the examinee shows a fragment from the works of art, equal on volume 233-267 words. The predicate of the first order expressing the basic idea of a fragment, settles down at the end of the text, one fragment is showed visually in the printed kind within two minutes, the second will become engrossed in reading.

The received answers are analyzed by the following criteria:

а) The volume of the statement allows to judge efficiency of verbal memory;

b) The quantity of correctly transferred words of the author determines ability of the examinee simultaneously to catch both the contents of the text, and its linguistic expression.

Albina A.T.'s researches have shown that examinees with well advanced linguistic abilities reproduce the language form of originals better. The aspiration to exact impressing author's statements, a cliche forms figurative language, enriching vocabulary of the person that is equally favorable both for native, and for foreign language;

c) Transfer of predications I and II orders means skill to separate the main idea from minor and readiness of logic memory for fixation of the information, important for correct understanding of the text. «Predication is a reference of the given text … a subject of idea to the validity, carried out in the offer». Each text can be submitted as structure of predications, one of them are main and transfer the basic idea, an idea (predication I order), others - minor, additional which reflect occurring event, acts of characters (predication II order), the third - additional to additional, transmitting shape and character of heroes. The speech message is considered adequately transferred then when the basic idea of the text is reproduced or by transfer of all predications the first order, or by means of reflection not less than 75% predications the second order.

6) «Phonemic hearing».

The purpose of a method consists in revealing ability to recognition of sound elements of unfamiliar language in the speech stream, allowing adequately perceiving on hearing speaking other language statements. The phonemic hearing is the lowest level of perception of oral speech. By means of phonemic hearing it is carried out, the initial analysis of perceived pieces of speech and is estimated quality of functioning of speech hearing, a level of the highest order, thanking oral speech is perceived as system of senses.

For diagnostics of a level of development of phonemic hearing the test from 50 pairs words in an artificial language is offered. The words worth in pair are or identical in a pronunciation, or differ on one sound. The list of words and the description of given phonetic units are placed in the Appendix And. If words different that is put "-" near to number of pair, if identical that "+" near to number of pair. At processing results the quantity of right answers is summarized and the estimations equivalent to the sum are exposed.

The given tests were designed on the basis of a spoken language for examinees and the artificial languages specially developed for this purpose. The given fact is argued Zimnyaya I.A.'s with conclusions [64] that displays of functions of mental processes regardless to language, i. е. functioning of memory of perception and thinking are caused extralinguistic by factors, hence, studying language abilities probably on a material of any sign system. It allows to remove effect of previous studying of foreign language and lays down all examinees in equal conditions.

All is higher the listed methods are estimated on 5 mark scale. The level of suitability to mastering and training by a foreign language according to a method can be estimated on five levels:

- a high level of development;

- the level of development is above the average;

- an average level of development;

- a low level of development.

The applicant having a high level of suitability to mastering by a foreign language will be easy to acquire all offering a material without additional efforts at level Intermediate level (a threshold level of mastering by a foreign language).

The applicant with an average level of suitability to mastering by foreign language training will be productive under condition of strong educational motivation and at the appendix of effort both on the part of trained, and on the part of the teacher.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 629. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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