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Typological characteristics and styles of learning activities.

Varied in content and complexity of mental training activity gives rise to different styles of intellectual activity. Thus, N. Kulyutkin and G.S. Suhobskaya (1971) identified three styles of heuristic activity:

1) thinking is characterized by a search for risk (nominated by the bold is not always reasonable hypothesis on which to quickly reject);

2) careful search (carefully weigh each of the grounds, shows a high criticality, has slowed progress in the construction of hypotheses);

3) hypotheses is fast enough and reasonable.

The authors showed that speed and ease of hypotheses depends on the strength of the nervous system and the dominance of excitation over inhibition. Note that both of these typological features are included in the typological range of determination (I.P. Petyaykin, 1974).

We find different styles of perception of literary texts. G.V. Bystrov (1968) studied the features of perception and understanding of literary texts in individuals with different strength of the nervous system. Emotional perception of the text on its data, is more pronounced in individuals with a strong nervous system. However, the study L.P. Kalininsky (1971), these data have not been confirmed. The author found that for those with a weak nervous system characterized by emotional, visual, more complex structure of the syntax of writing a narrative, introverted installation in the awareness of the literary text. For those with a strong nervous system characterized by generalized and descriptive aspects in the reproductive imagination, a tendency to use less complex syntactic structures, the desire to avoid the abundance of various definitions and involved speed, extroverted setting in the awareness of the literary text.

At the same time, according to D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya et al. (1975), individuals with weak nervous systems are more prone to reproductive intellectual activity, and those with a strong nervous system - to be creative, to more heuristic intellectual activity.

L.A. Vyatkina (1970) studied the styles of decision tools on intellectual tasks of senior preschool children: "Open Wardrobe", "Get the bucket from the well," opened the gates. " In children with a weak nervous system, most of the conditions of the problem was isolated by pre-visual orientation, mental action plan is created before the execution, in rare cases, children make one or two samples. For children with severe nervous system characterized by the alternation of visual orientation and performance. Prior to execution creates an incomplete tentative framework for action which is specified in the problem solving process by means of individual samples and short visual orientation. Thus, the "weak" dominant visual orientation, and the "strong" - the motor.

A.K. Baimetov (1967) studied the styles of high school students’ training activities and identified three style groups: related to differences in the dynamics warming-up in training activities, fatigue due to the volume of mental activity and the influence of stress. Detailed characteristics of styles of high school students’ training activities are presented in Illustration - 3.5

Unfortunately, A.K. Baimetov limited study of the influence on the stylistic features of educational activities only forces the nervous system. Hence, it remains unclear whether these stylistic features with other typological features of manifestations of nervous system and how it will self-organize training activities for various combinations of typological features.

V.P. Boyarintsev (1982) studied the predictive function in children and teenagers, said the impact of such properties temperament as extroversion - introversion and plasticity - rigidity. In rigid introverts found a better and deeper understanding of all the changes in the situation, and plastic extroverts perform better mobile comparison and collation of data in the analysis of past and present in variable situations.

Different styles of learning activities that perform adaptive, compensatory function, marked by M.K. Akimova and V.T. Gantry (1988). Students with a weak nervous system, their fatigue compensate for frequent breaks for rest, the reasonable activities of the organization, compliance with the planned mode of the day. Lack of focus and distraction of attention they compensate for increased control and verification of work after their execution. The slow pace of intellectual work is compensated by a careful preliminary preparation work, which enables a "weak" in the early stages to overtake the "strong", since the last slow warming-up. Preliminary careful preparation makes it possible to reduce the mental stress that arises from them in crucial moments of training activities.



Illustration 3.5 - Characteristics of styles of high school students’ training activities


Students with inert nervous processes using the following techniques to accelerate their activities:

- give an incomplete answer, followed by the addition after a brief pause, this tactic allows you to cut out the Missing to reflect the time when the teacher asks questions in a fast pace and demands an immediate response;

- anticipating the answers given - when a teacher at a high rate makes the job, whose sequence is clear (for example, when questions are written on the blackboard); inactivity may increase performance by executing the next job, skipping the previous one. In this regard, V. P. Gerasimov (1976) notes that precede the answers - it is a special organization of the activities inherent only inert, since the actual activity (solution only offered in the current job) more often for them turns out to be unsuccessful;

- perform preventive actions in preparing the answers - before you answer the question, inert pre-prepared and responsible only after the wording of the answer is ready; design response during performances makes them great difficulties.

Question about the factors that ensure successful mastery of a foreign language, is solved differently depending on the setting of the author, the theoretical platform of a specific methodological framework within which studies the capacity for language. Studying the motivational-emotional personality talk about the prevailing importance of this factor. The researchers, introducing the forefront of thought-speech process, talk about the importance of these processes. Students of arbitrary or not the memory argue that the fundamental principle of mastering a foreign language is the process of memorizing and conservation. Among the factors intensifying foreign language teaching are examined and communicative learning system and the optimal organization of pedagogical communication.

Kabardov M. K. studied individually-typical characteristics of trainees and determine their role in the successful mastery of foreign languages. They had hypothesized that the possible different ways of learning a foreign language learners of the same group that allows for a selectivity with respect to any language or speech issues. The basis of such selectivity may be based on certain psychological and psycho-physiological syndrome. Assumed that the greater propensity of individual trainees to their own linguistic material (despite the problem communicative gnostic teaching) is a compensatory manifestation of certain abilities: especially the visual or auditory memory, analytic-synthetical thinking, random involuntary action, awareness-unawareness of tricks learning foreign languages. He identified two main ways of mastering the foreign language - communicative style, non-communicative (linguistic) type of mastering a foreign language.

Psychological analysis suggests that the physiological basis of communicative type mastery of foreign languages is the lability of the nervous system, while non-communicative (linguistic) type has more to do with the inertia of the nervous system. Consequently, we can say that as a natural prerequisite for communicative or non-communicative type of mastering a foreign language are the different poles of lability, the inertia of the nervous system.

We can distinguish two possible directions of mastering a foreign language - through speech, an example of this study demonstrate the possibility of such a person with a communicative type of language acquisition, through language, language system, which is more typical for non-communicative (linguistic) type.

The practice of observing and studying an experimental study suggest that the gap, which is scheduled between well and poorly-achieving learners from the beginning of training, usually maintained throughout the study, although they both rise to a higher level compared to the original.

Thus, the psychological characteristics of these types differ not only and not the opposite signs (poles), but rather a peculiar relationship of individual components, qualitative and quantitative parameters of activity. The characteristic features inherent in these two types are shown in Illustration - 3.6



Illustration 3.6 - Characteristic features of two types of language acquisition


If the activity of the first can be characterized by the concept of "activity", then we can estimate the activity of the second concept of "conscious self-regulation." Researchers have identified weaknesses and strengths of both groups of students. In the analyzed methodological system more "capable" are persons with communicative type mastery of Linguistics. Non-communicative advantages in certain activities, i.e., their abilities (analytic, verbal, actual linguistic abilities visual memory) is not used enough in this system. It is assumed that these qualities are more adequate to the requirements of traditional methods of teaching, which is characterized by somewhat different methodological principles and a few other time intervals of study.

The basic contradiction between traditional and new intense, or communication systems, language training is the priority of "ownership" of foreign language speech on "knowledge" on the tongue or on the contrary, the rule of learning the basics of the language of the actual communication process. In other words, the trajectory is denoted as: "the language - to talk" or "through it - to the language."

On the basis of this controversy emerged and new technologies of teaching foreign languages Linguistics, in which greater importance is attached to either the cognitive processes in language learning technology, or communicative process in educational work.

From a psychological point of view we can distinguish two types of mastering a foreign language:

- the first type consists of methods, mostly focused on extremely conscious way of learning (random, phased absorption of the language, deploy, attribution of speech on the second plan, analyticity and the reliance on logic-grammatical and theoretical aspects). These methods are based on rational-logical way of mastering the language, they are known as conversion, grammar, analytical, consciously comparative. By Kabardov M.K. they are called cognitive-oriented technology, learning foreign languages, because it reflects the main features of cognitive-linguistic types of mastering a foreign language;

- the second group of methods, creating a situation close to the natural conditions of mastering their native speech a child, by contrast, relies primarily on involuntary, not conscious ways to master, especially speech, eliminates possible support in their native language. These methods were called positive, direct or intense suggestopedical, communication, etc. By Kabardov M.K. this technology is referred to as communication-oriented.

Of course, many authors and methodologists, teachers, psychologists - have noticed and described the various types of language acquisition, different systems of individual methods and techniques to master students and because of the great similarity of structure types for foreign languages (such as style, language acquisition) and types (methods) of instruction, authors tend to put them in the chain of causation. However, the main issue in learning and mastering the language is not a training method and style of language acquisition. How else to explain the productivity of mastering a foreign language among students and the exact opposite - the inability to learn a foreign language other students in the same group.

Thus, we can define two main types of foreign language acquisition – “communicative (speech)” and “cognitive (linguistic)”

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 1071. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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