Each feature of the system list in following chapters has some attributes assigned to it. These attributes are Importance, Difficulty and Risk Level. The tables below describe possible attributes values and their means.
The Importance Level attribute describes the degree of necessity of the feature in system implementation.
Table 1 – Feature Importance Levels
Importance Level
| Description
| The feature marked as critical has high importance and is MUST for implementation in closest system version.
| The feature marked as important is necessary for product and has an influence on product success so it is to be developed as high priority function. The implementation of the feature can be delayed for next product version release
| The feature marked as desirable has lower importance level and may be not implemented in product versions
The Difficulty Level attribute describes the degree of feature programming and implementation process complexity.
Table 2 – Feature Difficulty Levels
Difficulty Level
| Description
| The feature requires a lot of people or hardware resources for implementation or supposes usage of complex solutions or technologies
| The feature requires a lot of people or hardware resources for implementation
| The feature supposes usage of small amount of resources and supposes short development term
The Risk Level shows the possibility of implementation success and budget exceeding when programming the feature.
Table 3 – Feature Risk Levels
Risk Level
| Description
| The feature supposes using of new or unknown technology or algorithm that may cause budget exceeding or additional resources involving
| The feature supposes usage of technology or algorithms that are rather understood and may be precisely estimated
| The feature supposes usage of known or easy technology or algorithms that are rather understood and may be precisely estimated