Task 1. Obtaining an electrocardiogram
1. Preparing the electrocardiograph to the work: a) set the lead switch to the 1 mV position; sensitivity switch to the 10mm/mV position; switch on the belt speed to the 25 mm/sec; b) under the supervision of a teacher switch on the device to the electrical grid; apply the elctrodes on a patient; place the gasket that was wetted in physiological solution between the electrode and skin. 2. Recording the electrocardiogram: а) set the comfort button “0-МТ2” to the higher position; б) switch on the recording pressing the “1 мВ” button; в) record the ECG in three standard leads changing the position of leads switches; 3. Determine the value of time intervals t(sec) by the formula: 4. Results of measurements and calculations put into the table 1.