Instructor: Yulia Ilina, Associate Professor
Teaching assistant: Viktoria Tikhonova, PhD student
Organization of the course
| MIB – Cohort II, MITIM
| 1-st year
Course status
| Core
| 6 ECTS, 45 hours of classes
| Introduction to Finance, Introduction to Accounting
Teaching methods
| Lectures, group work, group project, exercises, case studies, in-class assignments.
Course objectives
Corporate Finance is required finance course, designed to cover those areas of finance that are important to all managers whether or not they specialize in finance. The objective of this course is to provide a rigorous introduction to the fundamental principles of asset valuation and financing, to provide students with understanding of the basic theoretical principles of finance and practical tools of financial decision-making.
The topics we will cover are aimed to:
· Choosing among alternative sources of external funding for company operations
· Identifying costs of funds from various sources and choosing capital structure
· Assessing company’s dividend policy
· Analyzing and valuing securities
· Assessing company’s performance and company’s value
· Evaluating investment opportunities in the context of a capital budgeting system