General rules
Class attendance: W e expect that you will come to class on time and stay for the full period. Although class participation as such is not a part of the total grading, your participation in class discussions is very important for the instructor as a way to get a feedback on the issues considered, for other students with whom your share your experience and ideas, and for yourself - for better perceiving the concepts studied.
Name cards: Please bring your name cards to all class sessions.
Using laptops during the class is permitted only for class purposes.
During in-class tests students are supposed to use calculators and materials, Internet is not permitted. Individual messages to the instructor and teaching assistant have to be sent from individual corporate e-mail address. Messages sent by e-mail should include only questions and other information that imply brief reply (for ex., about missing the class for valid reason, request for an appointment etc.). Other issues are to be discussed during individual consultations (for ex., explaining exercises, mistakes made in tests etc.).
Project reports 1 and 2 are to be submitted by the group leader strictly by the deadline.
Required textbook (available at GSOM library) E. Brigham, M. Ehrhardt. Financial Management: Theory & Practice . Thomson-South Western. 14th ed.. 2014 and 13th ed., 2010. The textbook readings include some additional topics and background material not covered in class. The readings in the textbook (henceforth referred to as “BE”) should be regarded as a supplement to, not a substitute for, class attendance and assignments preparation. It complements the slides, particularly by providing more institutional detail and presenting the material from a somewhat different perspective. The book also serves as a reference, where you can look up concepts, terminology, and definitions. In addition, the book contains quizzes (with answer key at the end of the book), and additional problems. You may use these materials for additional practice and self-testing. Plan of Classes references the various topics to the corresponding chapters in the textbook. The textbook provides you with opportunity to use Excel toolkits (references are available) for better perception of concepts discussed in book chapters.
Additional recommended textbook (available at GSOM library) S. A. Ross, R. W. Westerfield, B. D. Jordan. Essentials of Corporate Finance. 8-th ed. McGraw Hill. 2013. The textbook is a required reading for the Introduction to BA: Finance course and includes a variety of topics covered in the Corporate Finance course too. The book provides a material in a manner, comprehensible for a wide audience, thus could be especially useful for students who do not have a finance background. It is considered as a supplementary reading for the course.