Course content
Course reading:
Required Textbook:
David O. Beim and Charles W. Calomiris, Emerging Financial MarketsMcGraw -Hill, 2001 (copies available in library; copying of the entire textbook is permitted by the author, who holds the copyright).
Reference: World Investment Report (2011):
Additional literature (book sections): Easterly, W. (selected chapters) The Elusive Quest for Growth, Economists' Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics (MIT Press, 2001) C. K. Prahalad and M. S. Krishnan, The New Age of Innovation (2008), pp 44 -79, Chapter 4, Business Processes: Enablers of Innovation.
Case Studies: “Brazil under Lula: Off the Yellow-Brick Road” (HBS) by Aldo Musacchio. Product number 707031-PDF-ENG HB “Connecting the Rural Poor to the World: Grameen’s Village Phone in Bangladesh” (London & Garg, 2005, University of Michigan/William Davidson Institute Case) “Dreaming with the BRICs (2003), Goldman and Sachs. “Exploiting Institutional Voids as Business Opportunities: How to Gain Competitive Advantage in Emerging markets” by Tarun Khanna and Krishna Palepu (28 April 2010), Product number 5906BC-PDF-Eng. HBS