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Class base specification

A class declaration may include a class-base specification, which defines the direct base class of the class and the interfaces (§13) directly implemented by the class.

: class-type
: interface-type-list
: class-type, interface-type-list

interface-type-list, interface-type

The base class specified in a class declaration can be a constructed class type (§4.4). A base class cannot be a type parameter on its own, though it can involve the type parameters that are in scope.

class Extend<V>: V {} // Error, type parameter used as base class Base classes

When a class-type is included in the class-base, it specifies the direct base class of the class being declared. If a class declaration has no class-base, or if the class-base lists only interface types, the direct base class is assumed to be object. A class inherits members from its direct base class, as described in §10.3.3.

In the example

class A {}

class B: A {}

class A is said to be the direct base class of B, and B is said to be derived from A. Since A does not explicitly specify a direct base class, its direct base class is implicitly object.

For a constructed class type, if a base class is specified in the generic class declaration, the base class of the constructed type is obtained by substituting, for each type-parameter in the base class declaration, the corresponding type-argument of the constructed type. Given the generic class declarations

class B<U,V> {...}

class G<T>: B<string,T[]> {...}

the base class of the constructed type G<int> would be B<string,int[]>.

The direct base class of a class type must be at least as accessible as the class type itself (§3.5.2). For example, it is a compile-time error for a public class to derive from a private or internal class.

The direct base class of a class type must not be any of the following types: System.Array, System.Delegate, System.MulticastDelegate, System.Enum, or System.ValueType. Furthermore, a generic class declaration cannot use System.Attribute as a direct or indirect base class.

While determining the meaning of the direct base class specification A of a class B, the direct base class of B is temporarily assumed to be object. Intuitively this ensures that the meaning of a base class specification cannot recursively depend on itself. The example:

class A<T> {

public class B{}


class C: A<C.B> {}

Is in error since in the base class specification A<C.B> the direct base class of C is considered to be object, and hence (by the rules of §3.8) C is not considered to have a member B.

The base classes of a class type are the direct base class and its base classes. In other words, the set of base classes is the transitive closure of the direct base class relationship. Referring to the example above, the base classes of B are A and object. In the example

class A {...}

class B<T>: A {...}

class C<T>: B<IComparable<T>> {...}

class D<T>: C<T[]> {...}

the base classes of D<int> are C<int[]>, B<IComparable<int[]>>, A, and object.

Except for class object, every class type has exactly one direct base class. The object class has no direct base class and is the ultimate base class of all other classes.

When a class B derives from a class A, it is a compile-time error for A to depend on B. A class directly depends on its direct base class (if any) and directly depends on the class within which it is immediately nested (if any). Given this definition, the complete set of classes upon which a class depends is the reflexive and transitive closure of the directly depends on relationship.

The example

class A: A {}

Is erroneous because the class depends on itself. Likewise, the example

class A: B {}

class B: C {}

class C: A {}

is in error because the classes circularly depend on themselves. Finally, the example

class A: B.C {}

class B: A
public class C {}

results in a compile-time error because A depends on B.C (its direct base class), which depends on B (its immediately enclosing class), which circularly depends on A.

Note that a class does not depend on the classes that are nested within it. In the example

class A
class B: A {}

B depends on A (because A is both its direct base class and its immediately enclosing class), but A does not depend on B (since B is neither a base class nor an enclosing class of A). Thus, the example is valid.

It is not possible to derive from a sealed class. In the example

sealed class A {}

class B: A {} // Error, cannot derive from a sealed class

class B is in error because it attempts to derive from the sealed class A. Interface implementations

A class-base specification may include a list of interface types, in which case the class is said to directly implement the given interface types. Interface implementations are discussed further in §13.4.

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