Exercises. Exercise 1.Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.
Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations. 1. A piano concerto. 2. To give concerts. 3. A concerto for two violins. 4. A charity concert. 5. A violin concerto. 6. A concert of classical music. 7. To take part in a concert. 8. An amateur concert. 9. A gala concert. 10. A symphony concert. 11. A concert tour. 12. To put on concerts. Exercise 2. Answer the following questions. 1. Would you like to go to a concert tonight? 2. What concertos by P. I. Tchaikovsky, F. Mendelssohn, L. van Beethoven do you know? 3. What is the main idea of the First Piano Concerto by P. I. Tchaikovsky? 4. How many movements does a concerto consist of, as a rule? 5. Have you ever taken part in an amateur concert? 6. What pieces of music would you include in a gala concert in honour of International Women’s Day? 7. How many singers took part in yesterday’s TV concert? 8. At what age did W. Mozart start giving concerts? 9. Are you fond of symphony concerts? 10. What can you say about D. Shostakovich’s activities? Exercise 3.* Fill in the blanks using one of the words under discussion. 1. They don’t quite need a complete orchestra but they do need more players before they can put on.... 2. Right, Jenny. Let’s go to the... then if you feel you’d like it. 3. Why don’t you have another... some time? 4. And there was a wonderful... at the Victoria Hall we could have gone to.5. A whirl of colour with his red hair and bright blue jersey, he did acrobatics at the..., led flocks of bicyclists round the countryside, and organized romps in the gymnasium when it was wet. 6. The records which followed were Chopin’s Fantasie Impromptu, and part of Vivaldi’s... in С for two trumpets. 7. He had a good baritone voice and sang at the Masonic …. Exercise 4. Complete and expand on the following sentences using one of the words under discussion. 1. I am a lover of classical music, and... 2. Aren’t you lucky...? 3. Beethoven composed... 4. It is my life-long dream to... 5. On the First of May... 6. Are you fond of... 7. The boy is too young to... 8. At the end of each academic year... 9. Most pianists and violinists... 10. Do you know that our Philharmonic is going to put on...? Exercise 5. Use the following sentences in situations. 1. I’m going to be at that concert if I possibly can. 2. I’ve enjoyed your singing so awfully much. I’ve been to your concerts. 3. The concert was an informal, haphazard show, with laughs as easy to get as water from a tap. 4. «Have you ever been to a symphony concert?» he continued. «Yes,» she smiled. «I know nothing of music, but I’m rather fond of it.» 5. Without her father’s delicate intercession she could be overlooked, left unmarried and childless at thirty, and hardening into the kind of woman who attended symphony concerts by herself. Exercise 6. Make up a list of adjectives and verbs that go with the nouns concert and concerto; use several of the resulting phrases in short dialogues or situations based on the subject matter of English or American novels. Exercise 7. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Кто автор знаменитого Первого концерта для фортепьяно с оркестром, блестяще исполнявшегося Ваном Клиберном? 2. Моя старшая сестра часто ходит на симфонические концерты. 3. Концерт для скрипки с оркестром Мендельсона — одно из моих самых любимых музыкальных произведений. 4. В праздничном концерте приняли участие известные певцы и пианисты. 5. Этот скрипичный концерт очень труден для понимания. 6. Вчера на концерте я встретила многих своих друзей. 7. После закрытия конференции студенты выступили перед собравшимися с самодеятельным концертом. 8. Концертная деятельность этого виолончелиста широко известна. 9. В Клину, в усадьбе П. И. Чайковского, регулярно организуются концерты. 10. Последние три месяца этот пианист не выступает с концертами, так как у него болит рука.