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Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

1. To recover (regain) consciousness. 2. A conscientious worker. 3. To lose consciousness. 4. The pricks of conscience. 5. A class-conscious person. 6. A self-conscious look. 7. Unconscious humour. 8. National consciousness. 9. A self-conscious cough. 10. To have something on one’s conscience. 11. A clear conscience. 12. Conscience-stricken. 13. Conscious of a dull ache. 14. To be conscious of one’s strength (guilt, innocence). 15. An unconscious movement. 16. A conscientious person. 17. To be (un) conscious of somebody’s presence. 18. A guilty conscience. 19. Conscious dignity. 20. Conscious of nothing. 21. To be unconscious. 22. A conscious effort. 23. To look conscientious.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. Why can a person lose consciousness? What can we do to help him regain it? 2. Have you ever lost consciousness? 3. What does it feel like to have something on one’s conscience? Give examples from literature. 4. Was Irene to blame for June’s unhappiness? (/. Galsworthy, The Forsyte Saga) 5. Do you agree that we have no consciousness during sleep? 6. What do we call a person guided by his sense of duty? 7. Is it good or bad to be self-conscious? 8. Does a person feel anything when he is unconscious? 9. Was Clyde Griffiths troubled by a guilty conscience? (Th. Dreiser, An American Tragedy) 10. Do you think Lester Kane was conscious of his guilt when he left Jennie and married another girl? (Th. Dreiser, Jennie Gerhardt)

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the following phrases and sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. To feel warmth (cold). 2. A person who does everything honestly and carefully. 3. To feel no pain. 4. To look at smb. with embarrassment. 5. In the innermost recesses of one’s mind. 6. To feel remorseful. 7. To act without a full realization of what one is doing. 8. To bet troubled by one’s feeling of guilt. 9. To faint all of a sudden. 10. When he came to, he asked where he was.11. His ease was delightful. He had no self-consciousness.

Exercise 4. * Fill in the blanks using one of the words under discussion.

1. Once more I seemed to be... of an impending doom. 2. She might not even be in the room, he was so... of her. 3. She gave Anthony a penetrating look. He felt... and awkward. 4. That evening Jean Hartley,... of a strange warmth within her, drove home at high speed. 5. Vanamee stood by during the ceremony, but half of what was going forward. 6. He walked arm in arm down the spiral staircase to where Pierre was lying.... 7. As a child, she had been afflicted with a morbid.... 8. Straightaway from the back of his... rushed the thought, conquering, to win to her, that lily-pale spirit sitting beside him. 9. Blair asked him: «While under your care, did the patient nt any time recover...?» 10. A weight lay upon my mind, and upon my... too. 11. Mr Pig-Hott was painfully... of the price of electricity. 12. He struggled towards it in the agony of his bursting heart and lungs.... almost left him as they grounded in the shallows. 13. I was surprised lie regained... at all and was able to make a statement. 14. Mrs Butler nudged the... of male MPs yesterday by recalling that only 17 1/2 per cent of Britain’s doctors are women, while in the Soviet Union three-quarters of doctors are women. 15. My... Is quite clear. 16. At the edges of my... 1 could hear her muffled laughter. 17. «The kiss of life» became well-known in the early sixties as a method of reviving... persons by breathing directly into the patient’s mouth. 18. «What trouble?» asked Lew suspiciously. «I don’t know.» «Guilty... per­haps. I wonder what he’s done.» Lew pursed his lips. Having no... himself, he could be quite smug about other people’s. 19. «You did not hear the table fall?» «No, I was fast asleep.» The Coroner smiled. «A good... makes a sound sleeper,» he observed. 20. It’s against his.... 21. She seemed a tile... now and she avoided meeting his eyes. 22. The farmers loved their land, caressing it, coaxing it, nourishing it as though it were a thing almost....23. All at once, with a quick pang, he was... of his nervousness, his inexperience, his complete unpreparedness, for such a task. 24. He felt guilty,... -stricken, to see tears of humiliation in his mother’s eyes. 25. Bosman was... from the moment his head struck the fender. 26. He was... but when the doctor went up to him there was no change in the expression of the coal-black oriental eyes.

Exercise 5. Complete and expand on the following sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. The newcomer looked embarrassed and... 2. There were no scabs among the workers, everyone was... 3. The blow was so severe... 4. She was still alive but... 5. On and off the criminal was troubled... 6. I didn’t know what it was but... 7. I felt her illness... 8. A few minutes later the wounded man... 9. I will never believe that she could have done it... 10. The pupil is very diligent and...

Exercise 6. Use the following sentences in situations.

1. I was conscious of a dull ache between the eyebrows. 2. And I suppose I needn’t be conscience-stricken. 3. She was conscious of deep humiliation. But she didn’t care. 4. She had good taste in clothes and wore them with unconscious grace. 5. She was conscious of nothing but her pain and her loss. 6. But you have no reason to reproach yourself. Your conscience can be clear. 7. She didn’t look at him, but she was conscious of his appearance. 8. The chauffeur was wedged in behind his wheel, unconscious but not bleeding. 9. The little wheels and cogs of thought moved slower and slower; consciousness dwindled to a point. 10. As he did so, his conscience troubled him. 11. She had discovered very soon that he had an unhappy disability to lose himself. He was self-conscious. 12. A guilty conscience is a self-accuser.13. A good conscience is a constant feast. 14. «It was a terrible risk you were taking,» she answered. «With your sensitive conscience I wonder if you could ever have forgiven yourself if I had died.»15. She was friendly and dependable and outstandingly conscientious in her work. 16. He did not regain consciousness after admission to hospital.


Exercise 7. Make up a list of adjectives that go with the nouns conscience and consciousness, and a list of nouns that go with the adjectives conscious, self-conscious, unconscious, conscientious; use several of the resulting phrases in short dialogues or situations based on the subject matter of English or American novels.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Раскольникова мучили угрызения совести. 2. Каждый должен добросовестно относиться к своим обязанностям. 3. Она внезапно почувствовала резкую боль в колене. 4. Застенчивым людям трудно выступать перед большой аудиторией. 5. Женщина потеряла сознание и упала на мостовую. Очнулась она в больнице, куда ее доставила карета скорой помощи. 6. В ответ на его вопрос она застенчиво улыбнулась и отрицательно покачала головой. 7. Он почувствовал, что кто-то пристально смотрит на него, и невольно оглянулся. 8. Революционеры многое делали для воспитания классового самосознания рабочих. 9. В первую секунду раненый не почувство­вал боли. 10. Всю свою сознательную жизнь он боролся за победу добра и справедливости. 11. Больной был без сознания, положение было критическим.


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