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Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

1. A writer on economic subjects. 2. Economic biology. 3. Economic strength. 4. An economic change. 5. An economical housewife. 6. An economic crisis. 7. Тo be economical of one’s time. 8. The government’s economic policy. 9. Economic dependence. 10. Economical methods of teaching. 11. An economic region. 12. An economical way of living. 13. Economic arrangements. 14. Economic law. 15». To be economical. 16. Economic reforms. 17. Economic power. 18. Economic difficulties. 19. An economic plan. 20. Economic links. 21. The economic situation. 22. Economic factors. 23. A Minister of Economic affairs.


Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. What can you say about the economic policy of the developing countries of Africa? 2. Do you consider yourself to be an economical person? 3. Which of the literary personages you know can be called economical housewives? Prove your point. 4. What does economic geography deal with? 5. What is implied by «an economically dependent country»? 6. Is it easy to be economical of one’s time? Why? 7. Will you speak on the New Economic Policy (NEP) introduced in our country in 1921? 8. What is meant by economic progress? 9. What is the subject matter of political economy? 10. Why is it often economical to buy things wholesale?

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the following phrases and sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. To use sparingly. 2. A thrifty housewife. 3. Development of national economy. 4. Problems of economics. 5. During the ten years of their married life Mary had by a rigid economy saved a few hundred pounds. 6. I can’t stand economizing; stinting this and that. 7.«We must economize still further,» she said quietly. «The boys must be kept at school.» 8. Phil was not good at economizing. 9. He dismissed the assistant in his shop, and did the entire serving himself. This gave the impression of economy. 10. Economics Minister Mr Stewart. 11. «I’d better start strict economy right away,» she told herself grimly.


Exercise 4. * Fill in the blanks using one of the words under discussion.

1. He (Dr Bell) added that it is more... to have the university test different methods and make the results generally known. 2. He (Mr Gollan) said: «Unless the Government changes its policies Britain’s... growth will be no greater than it was under the 13 miserable years of Tory rule.» 3. They were comfortably well off, which was equally due to his getting paid moderately well and her being always.... 4. One former president of the T. U. С observed that «we are always approaching the corner of... stability hut never getting round it.» 5. The. reforms are inseparably bound up with further democratization of the production management. 6. And I want to read up on the Civil War. Not just the buttles. I want to decide for myself what the... factors were. 7. Prof. Macafee Brown thought that... sanctions against the U. S. might be needed «to bring our country to its senses.» 8. A severe restriction on personal spending was predicted yesterday by Cambridge economists in the London and Cambridge... Bulletin. 9. The first one (assembly), held 11 months ago because of anxiety over Scotland’s... situation, attracted more than 1,600 delegates.

Exercise 5. Complete and expand on the following sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. The peoples of Africa unite their efforts in their struggle for... 2. A thrifty person... 3. The main factors determining... 4. Writers on political and... 5. My brother is very keen on geography, especially... 6. London is a large political and... 7. A device designed to give a profit is called... 8. England consists of several large... 9. Old age pensioners.in England are terribly underpaid, so... 10. Every person should know the most important...

Exercise 6. Use the following phrases and sentences in short situations.

1. Changed social and economic conditions. 2.The government’s economic measures. 3. The economic climate created by the wage restraint and unemployment policy. 4. The political and economic centre of gravity. 5. The last chance to avoid economic catastrophe. 6. To make real economic progress. 7. Economic and social change. 8. An annual economic growth rate. 9. To get out of our economic problems. 10. Our economic problems were a result of... 11. Political, military and economic strength. 12. In the economic sphere. 13. The overall economic crisis of world capitalism develops with growing fierceness of cor petition between the groups of rival monopolists. 14. I do not believe we can cope successfully with our economic situation. 15. The deteriorating economic situation at home. 16. At the present time the only economic links between the two countries were in trade. 17. Completing the current five-year economic plan ahead of schedule. 18. The recovery and rapid economic expansion of... 19. Unsurpassed in economic power. 20. Regardless of our differing political and economic systems, our two nations must work together to assure peace for all mankind. 21. A nationwide demonstration against the Government’s economic policy. 22. Many builders are convinced that high-rise structures are an economic necessity in cities because of space shortages. 23. It (the decision of the Soviet Communist Party and Government) also gives a timetable of long and short term plans, geared with economic development for protecting the environment and natural resources. 24. The economic situation cannot be ignored.

Exercise 7. Make up a list of nouns that go with the adjectives economic end economical; use several of the resulting phrases in short dialogues or situations based on the subject matter» of English or American novels.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences- into English.

1. Моя мама — экономная хозяйка. 2. С экономической точки зрения этот план непригоден. 3. Этот тип двигателя экономичен, так как потребляет мало топлива. 4. Экономическую географию изучают в старших классах. 5. Вопросы экономического воспитания в семье и школе стояли на повестке дня научно-практической конференции в Нижнем Тагиле. Этим вопросам было уделено самое пристальное внимание. Известно, что современная школа дает экономические знания. Ребята узнают об основных экономических законах социализма на урокг истории, экономической географии и обществоведенияю Но навыков и привычек экономного расходования все общественного продукта школа, как правило, не воспитывает. Не все учителя и родители придают серьезное значение экономическому воспитанию.

Однако думается, что экономические знания школьникам необходимы. Пусть на первых порах это будут лишь элементарные познания. Если, например, мальчик или девочка узнает, что стоимость исцарапанной школьной парты представляет какую-то часть труда взрослых людей, это и будет то, что мы называем экономическим воспитанием.

Как преподнести детям элементарные экономические категории? С чего начинать? Аккуратность, бережливость можно воспитывать еще до школы. Воспитать в ребенке хотя бы одно из этих качеств — значит заложить и нем основу, которая потом поможет вырастить экономически грамотного члена социалистического общества.

Первой ступенькой может быть воспитание бережливости. Потом, когда школьники осознают внутреннюю необходимость экономного отношения к общественной собственности, можно перейти к воспитанию более сложных экономических воззрений.

С таких азов начинала кафедра политической экономии Нижнетагильского педагогического института, которая уже на протяжении нескольких лет систематически проводит работу по экономическому воспитанию студентов, а через них и школьников.

(По статье И. Страхова «О мороженом и исцарапанной парте». — «Учительская газета», 1972, 5 октября.)

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