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Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

1. An efficient secretary. 2. An effective (effectual) measure. 3. An efficacious (effectual) remedy. 4. To become effective. 5. An effective description. 6. An effective speaker. 7. An effectual punishment. 8. An effective pose. 9. An efficient librarian. 10. Effective power. 11. Effective cooperation. 12. An efficient clerk. 13. An efficient method. 14. To take effective (effectual) steps. 15. An efficient nurse. 16. An efficient way. 17. An efficacious drug. 18. An efficient workman. 19. An effectual recommendation. 20. Efficient labour. 21. An efficient teacher. 22. To look; effective. 23. To prove effective.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the most efficacious drug against malaria? 2. Why did Soames’ attempts to gain Irene’s love prove to be ineffectual? 4. Do you find the monitor of your group efficient? 4. Don’t you think it is high time you took some effective measures to improve your knowledge of English? 5. What are the most efficient methods of language teaching? 6. Do you know any effective remedies for a cold? 7. What do you call people who are ineffective in an emergency? 8. Do any of your friends or relatives belong to the effective forces of our country? 9. Can you explain why slave labour was so inefficient?

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the following phrases using one of the words under discussion:

1. Active help. 2. A competent book-keeper. 3. Methods producing the desired effect. 4. A striking appearance. 5. A competent worker. 6. A successful effort. 7. An impressive style.

Exercise 4. * Fill in the Jjlanks using one of the words under discussion.

1. Sal volatile is very... if you wish to revive someone who has fainted. 2. That argument is not... and we shall convince no one. 3. If he or anyone else suspected that he was quite... they kept it dark. 4. Now it appears that the internment commission has the... power to deport. 5. She knows a better gesture, a more... one. 6. Jimmy thinks she’s most.... She can talk about stocks and shares as intelligently as she can play bridge. 7.The very faint shadows under her eyes were most .... 8. Our housekeeper is so... that the house seems to run like clockwork. 9. I think this petition which we are submitting to the authorities will be.... 10. Miss Lemon, always..., had preceded him to the street and was waiting by a taxi. 11. There were some people who were only five, on Shetlands, and some frightfully... cool and collected ones of nine and ten. 12. If you can think of any more absolutely... way of slopping the lady’s mouth, I should be interested to hear it. 13. «This isn’t the library, Chris. I hereby christen it the lab.» He had just kissed her, to make the ceremony really..., when the phone rang. 14. The bans on overtime and co-operation in gas pro­duction are proving... there. 15. There was enough decency in the man to stop him from making any... protest. He could not help clinging and protesting in a mild, irritating, and ineffectual way, however — a way that simply widened the breach by slow degrees. 16. Old Kauffman, the... and perpetual clerk, had requested an infrequent half-holiday. 17. They were along the line of the most... retail organi­zation.

Exercise 5. Complete and expand on the following sentences using one of the words under discussion.


1. His advice is always sound and... 2. I hope he will help me. He is... 3. If you have a headache... 4. I scolded him for his carelessness... 5. From the very start of his medical’ career, Andrew Manson proved... 6. The measures taken by the dean seemed... 7. He did his work very quickly and... 8. She was frightened out of her wits; her voice failed her and she could only produce... 9. You can’t achieve tangible results in mastering a foreign language unless the method you choose...

Exercise 6. Use the following sentences and phrases in situations.


1. It was pleasant to let him take care of her in his quiet, efficient way. 2. A new and effective initiative for peace. 3. The object of political activity is to bring about the effective adoption of new policies and attitudes. 4. An effective attack on. 5. Far more effective sanctions against. 6. Prevention is by all odds the most effective strategy against tooth decay. 7.The effective opposition of the strikers was broken. 8. His voice was quiet, friendly, alertly efficient. 9. The gleam of a thousand lights is often as effective as the persuasive light in a wooing and fascinating eye. 10. It has been said of this great hospital that its professional staff is the finest in the world, that its nurses are more efficient and hardworking than any other nurses.

Exercise 7. Make up a list of nouns that-go with the adjectives effective, effectual, efficacious, efficient; use several of the resulting phrases in short dialogues or situations based on the subject matter of English or American novels.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. С самого начала эпидемии врачи приняли действенные меры по борьбе с гриппом. 2. Новый начальник оказался очень толковым, знающим человеком. 3. Все ее попытки исправить положение оказались безуспешными. 4. Лечение было недостаточно эффективным, поэтому через два месяца после начала болезни она все еще чувствовала себя плохо. 5. Когда вступил в силу этот закон? 6. Стиральные порошки очень эффективны и широко применяются в домашнем хозяйстве. 7. Она все делает разумно и умело. 8. Плодотворное сотрудничество между двумя странами проявлялось в сфере народного хозяйства, и культуры. 9. В данных условиях это средство бесполезно. 10. Наш лектор прекрасно владеет аудиторией. 11. Девушка выглядела в новом костюме очень эффектно.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 904. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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