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Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

1. A (one’s) favourite novel. 2. A (one’s) favourite author (painter, composer). 3. Favourable circumstances. 4. A (one’s) favourite phrase (word). 5. A favourable answer. 6. A favourable opportunity. 7. Favourable, changes. 8. A (one’s) favourable pastime. 9. A favourable impression. 10. A (one’s) favourite colour (flower, dish, hairdo). 11. A (one’s) favourite son (daughter, sister). 12. Favourable conditions. 13. To have a favourable effect on. 14. To pass favourable judgement. 15. To view something in a favourable light. 16. To put a matter in a favourable light. 17. In the style of his favourite detective fiction.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. Who are your favourite authors, and why? 2. What is meant by unfavourable weather conditions? 3. What are your favourite spring flowers? 4. Do your parents object to your plan of spending the summer in the South? 5. What impression did Andrew Manson produce on Christine Barlow when they first met? (A. Cronin, The Citadel) 6. Why is the climate of Egypt favourable for cotton? 7. Do you agree that Nessie Brodie was James Brodie’s favourite child? (A. Cronin, Hatter’s Castle) 8. Why is it difficult for a ship to move forward if the wind is not favourable? 9. Name a few of your favourite paintings, and describe one of them. 10. Do you remember any literary personages with an unfavourable appearance?. 11. Why is fresh air favourable to the health?

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the following sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. The weather favoured our voyage. 2. I like Charles Dickens more than many other authors. 3. He objects to the proposal. 4. What painters do you hold in special regard? 5. This climate is good for citrus fruit. 6. I liked his report very much. 7. His answer impressed Soames favourably. 8. The machine girls impressed her even less favourably.

Exercise 4. * Fill in the blanks using one of the words under discussion.

1. «Splendid! Splendid!» he repeated in time to his pumping handshake, though Mr Marple had not yet said a word,... or otherwise. 2.Eve, read this. One of my... poems. 3. He had learnt that the marriage had begun under... auspices. 4. He would sit neatly at the table and read a Victorian novel, which was his..., indeed his only form of literature. 5. «The Buccaneer» was bandied from mouth to mouth, till it became the... mode of alluding to Bosinney. 6. He’s straight as a die. I can import from him in Rotterdam on most... terms. 7. He bathed, telephoned for his breakfast, and his... barber. 8. Sister Ferguson’s day off was Staff Nurse Fitt’s... day of the week. 9. Everyone’s heaven is different. That’s what the place is — the... idea in each person’s mind. 10. Osterman was back from Los Angeles with a... report as to his affair with Disbrow and Darrell. 11. His thoughts were speedily diverted by the unpacking of the portmanteau; the contents of which appeared to impress him at once, with a most... opinion, not only of Mr Pickwick, but of Sam also. 12. Chapter XXI, in Which the Old Man Launches Forth into His... Theme, and Relates a Story about a Queer Client.13. She knew the story as well as if she had read it in one of her... novel-books — «Fatherless Fanny», or the «Scottish Chiefs.» 14. He sat in his... chair, lit a cigar, and opened the evening paper. 15. There are, besides, certain additional points which throw a complexion upon the case much more... to my client.

Exercise 5. Complete and expand on the following sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. I was waiting for his answer apprehensively... 2. I don’t feel like going to the concert... 3. The explorer found himself... 4. Roses are... 5. She always wears yellow and green... 6. I thought I had coped with the task... 7. He is not likely to produce... 8. The wind being... 9. «The Apple-Tree», a short story by J. Galsworthy, is full of humanism and poetry; it is... 10. If I were you, I would not broach the subject now; the moment is not...

Exercise 6. Use the following sentences in situations.

1. For their meal during the working day, chips come out as people’s top favourite food. 2. Latest training reports are very favourable to his chances. 3. Her favourite seat was at the end of the little glen. 4. He slapped his chest, then pretended to double up in a fit of coughing, which was one of his favourite jokes. 5. As the story proceeded, the feeling of the court which had, to begin with, been slightly favourable to the prisoner, now set dead against him. 6. This encompassing detour around the whole country-side was a favourite pastime of his. 7. That’s a favourite expression of hers. 8. You had better take advantage of this favourable opportunity, and do so at once. 9. The judge’s summing up was not wholly favourable to the prisoner. 10. I have to go now, and I don’t want to leave an unfavourable impression. 11. It wasn’t a favourite photograph of his; the expression was unnatural.

Exercise 7. Make up a list of nouns Ihat go with the adjectives favourite and favourable; use several o[ the resulting phrases in short dialogues or situations based on the subject matter of English or American novels.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Мои любимые композиторы — Бетховен и Чайковский. 2. Молодой преподаватель сразу же произвел хорошее впечатление. 3. Погода была неблагоприятная, и экспедицию пришлось отложить. 4. «Аппассионата» была любимым музыкальным произведением В. И. Ленина. 5. Ситуация была благоприятной, и он поспешил ею воспользоваться. 6. Не могу сказать, что Карамзин принадлежит к числу моих любимых писателей. 7. Она боялась, что получит неблагоприятный ответ. 8. Ее любимый цвет — голубой. 9. Условия для проведения этого эксперимента крайне неблагоприятные. 10. Собаки — мои любимые животные: они такие умные, ласковые и самоотверженные.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-07; просмотров: 777. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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