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Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

1. To comb (to brush) one’s hair. 2. To do one’s hair. 3. Not to turn a hair. 4. To lose one’s hair. 5. To split hairs. 6. To make somebody’s hair stand on end. 7. Within a hair of death. 8. Thick hair. 9. Curly hair. 10. To have one’s hair cut. 11. Against the hair. 12. Auburn (jet-black, straw-coloured, bleached, blond, iron-grey) hair.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the colour of your hair? 2. What Is the colour of your mother’s (father’s, sister’s, friend’s) hair? 3. Do you like straw-coloured hair? 4. Which do you prefer, black, chestnut, or red hair? Can you account for it? 5. How do you wear your hair? 6. Do you like to wear your hair short or long? 7. Why do people, grow grey? What does grey hair testify to? 8. Can you name several literary personages that had black (red, reddish, straw-coloured, golden, flaxen, grey, etc.) hair? 9. Do you remember the colour of Irene’s hair? Was it beautiful?

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the following phrases using the word under discussion.

1. To fill one with fright or horror. 2. To give no sign of being troubled. 3. Against the grain. 4. To go bald. 5. To be too pedantic, to argue about trifles. 6. To have a new hair-do.


Exercise 4. * Insert articles or personal pronouns wherever required.

I. Simon quickly adjusted... hair at the mirror and went to open the door. He peered out. 2. «What... pretty hair you have,» said Julia. 3. He was a tall, spare man with a thin face and... grey hair. 4. Harran kissed his mother and sat down in a wicker chair on the porch, removing his hat, running his fingers through... yellow hair. 5. I would always hesitate to recommend as a life’s companion a young lady with quite such a vivid shade of... red hair.... red hair, sir, in my opinion is dangerous. 6. He was a short, rather stout young man, with a shock of... untidy carroty hair. 7. To their consternation Honor did not turn... hair. She knew already. 8. They (his hands) were large and long and smooth; there was not... hair on them or on the wrists. 9.... hair has a strange faded look, like... old hair, yet his face is young. 10. He grew accustomed to the frankness with which she admired his looks, and when she told him that he was as beautiful as a young Norse god he did not turn... hair. Flattery fell off him like water from a duck’s back. 11. And... hair — there was never... hair like hers, so black it was, almost blue in the reflected light.

Exercise 5. Complete and expand on the following sentences.

1. Her hair seemed... 2. He looked older. His thin yellow face was more lined and his hair... 3. His hair is... 4. She always wears her hair... 5. She was only half grey as yet; her hair... 6. A young man with long, blond hair... 7. There were flowers in her hair... 8. I noticed a grey hair... 9. He had golden hair... 10. She found a long hair... 11. He had a lot of very straight... 12. She was a broad, middle-aged woman with untidy... 13. Oily black hair hung... 14. She was a lovely-looking girl with...


Exercise 6. Use the following sentences in situations.

1. His dark-brown hair was rapidly receding at the temples. 2. Like his sister’s his hair was on the light side of brown (my mother’s was very dark), and he had a big, reddish, drooping moustache. 3. His long black hair was sleek and curly. 4. His black hair was neatly brushed, and his moustache was trimmed. He had an upright and soldierly bearing. 5. He had thick dark hair with an inclination to curl. 6. Her hair was the color of a dried English walnut, rich and plentiful. 7.Though he could not have been less than five-and-forty, his hair was black and thick. 8. A deft movement, and my hair was screwed into a tiny knot onthe top of my head. 9. His curiously colourless hair, not exactly fair, seemed like a pale wig upon a dark man. The hair was fairly curly and fairly short, bringing into prominence the big long rather heavy face, bronzed by the sun and now a little flushed perhaps by argument. 10. I admired him intensely and was often spellbound by the unpredictable and daring audacities he would «bring off» without turning a hair. 11. She was a blonde, even if her hair was not authentically honey-coloured. 12. His hair was very black and rather long. 13. He wore a very neat, even smart, suit of cream-coloured silk and no hat. His grey hair was cut very short, but was still thick. 14. He noticed that her hair was greying fast. 15. I test the edge (of the razor) on the little hairs on the back of my hand. 16. He was a small man, neither fat nor thin, with black hair, scanty on the crown, turning grey, and a small, untidy moustache. 17. A hair in the head is worth two in the brush.

Exercise 7. Make up a list of adjectives and verbs that go with the noun hair, use several of the resulting phrases in short dialogues or situations based on the subject matter of English or American novels.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Какие у нее прекрасные волосы! 2. Он носит волосы на прямой пробор. 3. В детстве у меня были кудрявые волосы. 4. Мне очень нравятся ее волосы. Жаль, что у меня не такие. 5. Было ужасно неприятно, когда она обнаружила в тарелке длинный волос..6. У Овода были черные волосы и голубые глаза. 7. Какого цвета волосы у твоей сестры? 8. У нее волосы всегда росли очень быстро, и она обычно заплетала их в толстые, красивые косы. 9. Она и глазом не моргнула, услышав эту новость! 10. В комнату вошла молоденькая девушка с коротко подстриженными волосами и приветливо улыбнулась. 11. Хотя ей за шестьдесят, у нее еще нет ни одного седого волоса. 12. Вам нравятся длинные волосы? 13. У людей с рыжими волосами обычно бывает нежный румянец. 14. Он очень быстро лысеет. Боюсь, что у него скоро не останется на голове ни одного волоска. 15. Роскошные волосы были ее единственным богатством.

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