Read and translate the following sentences paying special attention to the words in bold type. 1. West Mallion was one of the historic houses of Sussex. 2.In his (the commissioner’s) office was an old spectacled clerk, who held his desk regardless of changes of administrative heads. «Uncle Frank,» said the commissioner, using the familiar name by which the historic treasurer was addressed by every Texan, «how much money have you got on hand?»3. In the case of television the situation has been somewhat different because of historical reasons and American influence has been strong almost from the first. 4. Mr. Grishin, in a reference to the reconstruction of the city’s (Moscow’s) central areas, spoke of the need to respect «reserved zones» which were of historical importance. 5. It is of course a historical monument. 6. If he was not busy with some scientific treatise he would read books about China or historical works. He never relaxed. 7. The critical preoccupation of these volumes was with the meaning of literature for our own age and for the non-specialist and non- historical reader of today, who might be glad of guidance to help him to respond to what is living and contemporary in literature. 8. History? Old ladies interested in the science bothered you some with long reports of proceedings of their historical societies.
EXPLANATORY NOTES Historic adj. Noted or famous in history, e.g. a(n) ~ spot, a(n) ~ speech, ~ times (of which the history is known and recorded as contrasted with prehistoric times). Derivative: prehistoric adj. Historical adj. 1. Belonging to history (as -contrasted with legend and fiction), e.g. ~ events and people (real, not imaginary), a(n) ~ novel (one dealing with real events in history). 2. Having to do with history, e.g. ~ method of investigation; ~ studies, a(n) ~ society, the ~ linguistics, ~ principles. Derivative: historically adv. Historic and historical are synonymous adjectives commonly confused because of the similarity of their meanings and identity of the root word. Historic implies the significance, importance, fame, etc. of a person or thing. Historical emphasizes the fact that a person (or thing) belongs to the past or has to do with history. Both adjectives can be translated into Russian as исторический. This Russian word has the following meanings: 1) исторический, имеющий историческое значение (historic); 2) исторический, исторически установленный, исторически достоверный, относящийся к истории (historical).