Студопедия — Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases info Russian; use them in sentences or situations.
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Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases info Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases info Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

1. A distinct refusal. 2. A distinctive feature. 3. A distinct shape. 4. A distinctive badge. 5. A distinct idea. 6. Distinct improvement. 7. Distinct dialects. 8. A distinctive function. 9. A distinct sound. 10. A distinct manner. 11. A distinctive mark. 12. A distinct cry. 13. A distinct recollection. 14. A distinct pronunciation. 15. A distinct line of one’s own.


Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. Why is a distinct pronunciation indispensable to a teacher? What other professionals must possess this quality? 2. Can an indistinct idea be conveyed in clear, plain words? 3: What are the most distinct recollections of your childhood? 4. What are distinctive badges used for? 5. What is meant by indistinct speech? 6. There was a distinct family resemblance between Anthony and his brother Steve, wasn’t there? What did it manifest itself in? What was Anthony’s distinctive feature? 7. Why are we justified in saying that British English and American English are distinct variants of the English language? 8. What is a distinctive feature of J. M. Turner’s paintings? 9. What are, in your opinion, the Gadfly’s distinctive features? 10. Did it take Martin Eden long to bring about a distinct improvement of his speech habits? 11. What are the most important distinctive features of realism?

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the following phrases and sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. A clear recollection. 2. A definite improvement. 3. A clearly perceptible sign. 4. Plain words. 5. A characteristic smell. 6. To remember something clearly. 7. A characteristic feature. 8. An unmistakable manner. 9. Different languages. 10. A legible handwriting. 11. But among all the games the only one I can remember with any distinctness was this of «the Traitor’s Execution». 12. She spoke with great distinctness, moving her lips meticulously.

Exercise 4.* Fill in the blanks using one of the words under discussion.

1. But he had had a single... glimpse of her, definite, precise, and this glimpse was enough. 2.«And there was nothing... that you can remember about the man?» Mrs Me Gillicuddy took a little time to think carefully before she replied. «He was tallish and dark, I think.» 3. It (the baby’s skin) had a... yellow tinge. 4. «That won’t do. There’s nothing identifiable about the hand; I read that. It hasn’t got... markings like the fingers —» «The hand has pores.» 5. He was a man of... personal character, not ready to accept more of the innovations of the court circles than fitted in with his style. 6. Mr Pickwick uttered in a low, but... and emphatic tone these remarkable words: «You’re a humbug, Sir.» 7. To say the truth, Carrie did unconsciously move about with an air pleasing and somewhat....

Exercise 5. Complete and expand on the following sentences using
one of the words under discussion. ‘

1. It is absolutely indispensable that public speakers... 2. Some of the recollections of my earliest childhood... 3. Soldiers belonging to different arms of the fighting forces... 4. She was scared stiff when she heard... 5. After he had removed his spectacles... 6. Some old people retain... 7. If you want to be understood by other people... 8. Realism is a very important literary trend which is characterized by the following... 9. She was speaking in a loud... 10. The twins were very much alike; nevertheless, one of them had...

Exercise 6. Use the following sentences in situations.

1. There was a distinct smut on her cheek. 2.He walked briskly, with the step of a man who likes to get home, an alert figure, conveying, even at that distance, an unmistakable and distinctive sense of style. 3. We are both distinct blondes. 4. «Your trip was a success, wasn’t it?» «A distinct success. It was very nice.» 5. He knew moreover that any experiment has three distinct stages. 6. His voice came over the wire, distinct and urbane.

Exercise 7. Make up a list of nouns that go with the adjectives distinct and distinctive; use several of the resulting phrases in short dialogues or situations based on the subject matter of English or American novels.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Я отчетливо помню это событие. 2. Каковы характерные черты романтизма? 3. Он вторично задал вопрос, но получил недвусмысленный отказ. 4. На рассвете все звуки кажутся особенно ясными. 5. Детей следует с раннего детства учить говорить внятно. 6. У нее очень смутные представления об астрономии. 7. Наступили сумерки, и предметы стали неразличимыми. 8. Совсем рядом раздался какой-то неясный звук; она вздрогнула и сделала шаг назад. 9. Кошки и собаки относятся к различным видам животных. 10. Импрессионисты шли в искусстве своим путем.


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